My Job Getting Plowed By My Younger Coworker
A top one av actor become stare by his younger coworker who was his fan for while. On first day they have sex bc of top one cant get it up next filming season. Av actor was always thinking about his partners pleasure but he cant feel it himself. He always think how it feel to have something inside him. He want to throw younger actor away from this industry. But he fall in love in the end.
Kuro Neko wa Ookami Ouji-sama no Yume o Miru ka
Guy go to work in av to get his prince. One day he is forced to have sex on video but he want to give his virginoty to prince and he appear. They do this but after sex wolf have a miserable face. Uke discover his prince isnt prince. They hang on with each other and fall in love but a seme dont do first step to starting relationship. In meantime uke meet with new coworker who help him with take seme to earth. Seme is jealousy and named uke whore. He reflected about what he do by koyote and run to sorry about his behaviour.
Shirouto nanoni Hameraremashita
Unlucky guy get in debt in work so his coworker set him to part-time job by av. On the first day in his new job he messed up and get anotger debt check. A male av actor start to encouraged him to do film. They was paired by director and started have a sex lessions. In the time av actor fall in love in office worker and paid off his debt and stoped his career to be with his crush
Straight-kun to Gesu