Nande Neteru Ore no Chinko Nametano
Guy often spent night in his friend house but one night he notice his friend give him blowjob when he was asleep. Situation repeat but he like this and start develop his emotion to boy. But after a short talk with their friends a blowgiving boy thought they never be together. A second one was confussed bc his friend didnt laid hand on him anymore in adicction he start meets with girl. In the end he say he love him and is otaku so he was ashamed about that fact.
Kiss Shite Sugar-kun!
One day a archery member went to a room where a naked boy was practicing his lines for a play. He fell and hug senpai who give it him back. From that day they hugged every day but one day older want to kiss and this provided a big mess bc both of them cant do his work completed. A actor come to think he is in love.
Secret Note
In house live a two master brothers onr is a easygoing but a second is gloomy and haertblocked. After his grandma dies he dont have any place to go so he start to find job. A lucky want he went to this family house and younger brother start developing feelings for him. When he was diagnosed as omega he was fired what made furious young master and omega run away where he was almost raped. A master found him and take back to house where they confess and do adult thinks.
Hydrangea Cage
Spin off to previous manga. Guy is a future heir of rich family. His only compete is his uncle but he dont have any child. One day uncle has a accident and he and his omega die (in end we know they live together elsewhere) his last ask be to take care of a poor omega. A young master fall in love in him but he want to be succesor in any cost. He start preparing to marriage but omega who always was by his side fell he will no longer need so he stop take his heat medication have sex with master get pregnant and run away for close 1 year.
Sono Suki Honto
After a few year they met again after a chaotic hig school playing lovers and puniahment game. Now by alkohol influence a uke ask going out him again and he agree. But he think he do it for revenge but they love each other for real. Scene with catching baseball ball with one hand to rescue a girl.
Ao no Tsubomi
Two guys was a very handsome in high school. One was easy going and popular second silient and composure. First one was interesing in him and in second class during pocky game he discover other one feelings for himself. He has a girlfriend and he dont imagine himself without her but they brake up and after gratuation he start living in one apartment with his friend. After 2 years a composure one was tranafered to other city and other come to him to confess.
Goshujinsama wa Ouji ga o Suki
A young master of helthy family search prince in his new high school. In the first day he met handsome older senpai and go after him. His servant and best friend discover his friend's prince have affair with freshman. A young master discover he is in love with his servant and he confess but servant refuse his feeling bc he think he is notworthy. Master run away and lock himself in a little room under schodami.
Hana Tokidoki Kuma
Guy write in cafe's notebook with some he think ia a sweet girl but they are a boy who love flowers. They go out to a park and later start dating. I have feel as a 6 chapter was not complete.
Uemura-kun ha Majime na Iiko
1-4+E super slutty president of school concil and a first year troublemaker who is womanizer and he discover by accident his prez is super horny in classrom after seeing a woman underwear. They have sex and younger give him his favourite music cd so for exchenge he want to give him his fav book but there he saw him with a girl and every think was break down. 5 two deliquents one saw other one in love hotel with a man so he gossip about it with his friend and they make a revenge plan on other one. A dumbminded guy will get his heart and later smash it.
Ore no Tsugai ha Thoroughbread Omega