1234 guy is transfered to other city to work in shop franchis. There he is in always conflict with his manager and coworker but his only light in a darkness is other worker whom he go out on drinks with. One night he propose him to be his sugar baby. They become couple.
5 guy is always second in his look and anyrjing and one day he was angry bc if that and go to shout out himself to toilet far away from actually class and he scream other perfect guy name. Who as we can discover later was in stell. A screaming guy was masturbated to other closed in stell without knowing his face or name. Stell boy want to end rhis kind of relationship and next day come to boy in person saying he knew wat other one do next to him.
6 guy take part in mahjong club and there a younger pretty boy ask for help in winning. Guy win and as a gift other boy propose him his ass. He ran but a younger want to spent with him time all over so in the end he give up. They claim if a younger win a older must take his virginity. Plot twist both is virginity.
Fuyou Kareshi