Wolf Me Up
Baseball player in middle school take every sec of his live to play so now in high school he wish for lovely live with first love. Even though he is super popular he is short and girls reject him bc of it. There are ideal musculine guy in the next class so he appeoach him he want to be as him. Guy is cool and more outsider so avoid his vows. He propose him to be his girlfriend so he found what is he like. On 1 chap they kiss and it start shorter guy on his feelings he understand he like him back but seme start to avoid him. Meanwhile cluture festival started and former baseball player was chosen as little riding red hood. They kiss on a scene.
Subarashii Kiseki ni Yasashii Kimi to
A popular guy x nerd Nerd from electronic club went to give peple flyers but nobody take it. He trip and one of them drop. The most popular guy in school take it with him. He has problems in home bc he stay with his father only and his parents got divorced. He blam himseft for it bc everything started he had got injuried in baseball match. Now he is only empty nutshell so he decided to join club. Two other nerdy are alert by his presence but a clumsy cute little one want to become close. Nerd guy have beautiful eyes and without glasses he would be popular (with guys for sure). Nerd help a former baseball star get on his leg what make boy fall in love.
Sugar Dog Life