Story about 3 couples
1. Younger brother alpha x younger brother omega
2. During holidays brothers go to uss to have fun and to sightseeing. In reality younger brother propose usa bc his lover omega (1 couple) is there. On a place it become lovers meeting. Older Brother of one is omega who expose later as one. He was tired after flight so he went to take shower. Meanwhile older brother of young omega and love of older omega come to take his brother home. Older omega come and he step back after seeing his childhood friend and longtime love. Older omega has still it feelings but he think alpha's roommate is his fiancee.
2. Omega who is sucker for handsome face meet ideal alpha in work but he think he only want to be sex buddies so he dont hesitate when other alpha accuance propose him meeting.
Both story is cotton candy flavoured and babies are so much cute. Past couple is kids of 2 and 3 couple where alpha is baseball player and omega is also as his mother sucker for face.
Heat and Run