Kimi no Ahimoto de Ai wo shiru
In middle school sub watch tg with his friends super masochist porn where sub was tied and bindfolded and he like it. He start to disgust himself he could like it. Once his older dom sister take his sub bf to home he shout on him he disgust him so his sister use a special glare characteristic for dom yo protect his partner. Theirs relationship get hurt. Now Medicine he took stop surprasing his sub nature. So he have to found in goverment organisation to matching dom and sub a partner. In doors he saw his coworkers who always look and him with dom eyes in reality dom look at him bc he cant belive he is dom and he cant be with him. They make some play. Sub feel great but soon with every play he wanted more. Once they start to talk about theirs boundaries and what want from each others and sub tak everything about his trauma. This night sub was sloopy so he start thinking about he will be punished but sub dont do anything. After that night dom start to avoid him and spend more and more time with female sub what made all biuro gossiping how they matching. His dom next desk coworker take him on drink where he propose to make a play. An accident ml dom catch them and glare at him. He take him to hotel where he comand sub to jerk off in front of him. First sub cant made it but he wanted to show his dom qhat he feel. They become couple and qanted to do think who hold them previously. They go all way and dom punish him. His relationship with sister and her sub get smooth. He ask his future in law about his relationship problems and his sub desires.
Inu wa Kogarete Hizamazuku
Sub is warden in prison and he get under his wings new prisoner who was convicted of murder. New guy is a dom and he saw his warden is sub quickly. They start to have some play but their first sex is in last chapter. They dont say love u or anything about their future maybe innocence of guy. Nothing. Sad. Warden dont want to be under his prisoner and take any chance to stop this relation.
Shacho Osuwari no Jikan desu
Sub is a president of big cosmetic company. He is persuaded by public opinion to get married and have a heir. But he prefer to play with dom despite feeling it lack something. Once his new assistant give him a comand he never knew a energic feel of kind play with trusted partner. They start to play more frequently and soon become full time partners. Dom even give his sub a ring to replace choker. In past in hospital dom was disgusted by himself he didnt want to became dom order a loved one. Sub reasure him it not a bad think. From that time dom was dumped one by another bc his playtime was not enough.
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