Kono Ore Ga Omae Nanka Suki Na Wakenai
Kimi To Parade
Tsumasaki Ni Kourozu
The artists ability to tell a story is beautiful. It almost makes me want to cry. This is SKILL. I ship those two weird nerds together so hard. If I were to ever write a manga, this artist is who I’d want to draw it. Chapter 1-3 cutest story ever about two biologists. Chapter 4 random extra of girl with crush on biologist lover no.2 Chapter 5-6 cute story about a student’s secret Chapter 7-8 story of a fox spirit and student Really want to buy an official English translation of this.
Kimi Ga Kawaii Riyuu
Hana ni Omoeba
Cuuuuuuuuuute~ story gives that "aw" feeling. short but still great just the way it was.
Natsukage Ni, Sayonara
Loved the first story. Gives a very nice happy feeling throughout and they get married and live happily ever after. They were soooo cute! Second story... I could've gone without tbh, but it wasn't bad.
Fall for me (songha)
This is the life blood my sappy romantic heart thrives off. This really deserves some kind of award. The art itself was beautiful but is almost an afterthought with how good the story is. Each chapter had a lot of good humor but wasn’t over the top cheesy or misplaced. The seriousness and emotional scenes were perfectly conveyed. The pacing wasn’t rushed or too slow. They didn’t just have sex right away, the author carefully built up to it and made the reader (as well as the mc) wait until the perfect timing when they both were completely honest with each other and had strong feelings- which is something I can appreciate. The characters weren’t just kinda cute, they were fucking-next-level-adorable-lovely-cinnamon-rolls-cute. They were vulnerable with each other and defeated all the things standing in their way, simply because their feelings for each other were stronger than anything they faced: lack of experience, miscommunications, other people telling them they should give up, lack of certainty, etc… Honestly, this is such relationship goals and everyone should be taking notes.
Dekoboko Sugar Days