Doutei Nana-kun Foreign Love
Nooooo! That can’t be it! I need more! It’s SO cute and funny... :( 2.5
Cat and Bed
Wow. Most gentle and considerate dom I've seen, maybe ever? Reminds me why I got into yaoi in the first place. A loving sex scene between anime men that conveyed a feeling I never got from porn, and thus a fujoshi was born. Bless this. I need more of these.
Maison De Maid
ugh so cute, nother for the GL list
A Hunter's Courtship Method
I Favor The Villainess
Ngl, I put this off because my expectations were low, but oh my lord THIS, this right here, is just wonderful mc is similar to the protagonist from Mage & Demon Queen (aka a relentless masochistic simp) only the love interest is wayyy more tsudere but she gets cuter as she starts to fall for mc around ch.5/6. Also its isekai! ch.7
Ichi Ni no San!
2.5 extremely wholesome/ heart warming
Konomi ja Naka to
very adult/mature oriented manga and I don't mean sexual. I enjoyed it as someone who is no longer a teenager and the same old cheesy teen shit gets old.
Kore Wa Koi Ni Fukumare Masu Ka