The Monster Duchess and Contract Princess
Alt Title: A Kid's Dream Family Saves Them This manhwa is like the ultimate dreamland fantasy for people with bad childhoods/ abusive parents. *EXTREME wholesomeness warning*
Mujaki na Wanko to Nekokaburi
Lady Baby
I can tell we're not even a quarter way into the story yet but its still super interesting and I can't wait to see how the plot develops. I low-key hope mc gets some magical powers since there is magic in this world and idk who to ship her with yet but I love all the drama but also light-hearted-filled moments in this manhwa. I hope her father doesn't die in this life but bc he's such a low-key character I'm worried a bit... Also it's looking like mc will end up with Harrison but I won't be mad if she doesn't. Overall a very casual read so far but I'm hoping as the plot develops more it will get to be more gripping. 3.5 stars for now. Ch.61 (3/29/20)
The Man in the Mirror
MY FUCKING HEART 。゚( ゚இ‸இ゚)゚。 I really understand why this has so many 5 stars. ALL the feels. SO romantic. Gotta be honest tho, 3.5 stars based on depth/length... Beautiful art, would recommend, would read again.
First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage (colored)
Super cute slice of life relationship/ married couple goals
Amaenbo Honey
Pretty cute/sweet/wholesome pair. Mildly interesting story.
Above average creativity in this story. A lot of kink/SM themes. I really liked their love and I probably would have given the story a higher rating if it was just longer & showed more of the characters together (at least have an extra at the festival you know?). Also if all the pages were colored because the colored pages we’re extra BEAUTIFUL. 2.5 stars.
Hima na no de Hajimete Mimasu.
I already read a long time ago... Sexy/ Sweet idiot couple. Enjoyable, would reread again.
A Shoulder to Cry On
It was reallllllly good. A tiny bit sad it ended where it did but otherwise I can’t complain. I feel very satisfied going through that feels roller coaster now that it’s over. The first 5 chapters really brought on my social anxiety tho, like my stress levels maxed out. Love the way the author tells this story, it’s kind of insightful and relatable and gives a deep understanding of the characters. Also pink hair is adorkable. 4.5 stars.
Heartbreak (yukimura)