Gendai Irozato Tsuya Kobanashi
In the first story the sex scenes are so beautiful *nosebleed* I frickin love this art style. I liked the first story but the second was meh.
Kawaii Obaka-kun
I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH. Adrbhfskrgbmraldalf. Read this forever ago and forgot about it. The second story I WOULD’VE loved if the end was longer and had a resolution... And the last story I liked as well.
Yarisugi Party Night
Story 1: 4p sooooooooooooooooo hot. Like hot daym oof. I also liked the basketball story and after story, however that last story.... No. Mostly because the seme told some random nice girl on the street "fuck of bitch", hit her and walked away like it was nothing... wtf?
Namae mo Shiranai Machiawase
Kinda wish the first story was longer so their relationship could develop more but still very good.
Sokuochi Yarichin Yankee
The first couple is everything I need in life. I love it, though definitely regret reading the chapter 3 stupid one shot couple.
Kimi no Nioi ga Suki
chapter 3/4 with the back fetish incubus was hot and the last story 7/8/9 was hot as hell! At least chapter 7 was, tbh I stopped reading after the smut accomplished it's purpose lol but will come back to this later. Honestly all the other one/ two shots were boring and definitely wouldn't pick this up for the story.
Ichimai Goshi Fetish