Ookami-kun wa kowakunai
You loved absolutely everything about this! The characters, art, plot and concept! A fav and defs reread! You love love loved it, the bunny is the cutest tho!
Kiraide Isasete
Not enough words can express my love for this, first off the kids were absolutely adorable and gave serotonin 100%, the couple were so loving, beautiful, realistic and understanding of one another, defs one of my fav couples, the side characters are top tier and i want to see sequels, especially the mum and bff, the strories were well placed, believable and entertaining a defs reread!! I loved everything abt this and would return in the future for serotonin and a great read!! FAV PERIOD!
Tabetemo Oishiku Arimasen
Chap 13 is where you're up to! You're enjoying it so far!
Ao ni Naku