Haikyu!! dj - Gyakusetsu-teki Ren'ai-kan
I’m in the middle of a mission but my classmates XXX is in full view - Jujutsu Kaisen dj
Torokeru Chouai Celluloid
Beautiful BEAUTIFUL BEAutIFuL!!! Everything about this was amazing and you absolutely loved it no like actually!! The characterization, the characters, the dynamics, the plot, the pacing, the everything!! FAV FAV FAV!! REREAD;), it was amazing and the couple were so cute and lovely and wholesome and funny and just perfect, even tho it was short it didnt feel rushed, it was so good!! You'll miss reading this..
Online Game Nakama to Sashi Off shitara Shokuba no Onijoushi ga Kita.
Cute! Full of misunderstandings and cute mistakes lol but i enjoyed it thoroughly! The beautiful art and storyline is an added bonus! A fluffy and carefree read
Muri Marriage
Broo, an actual fav like you love this trust me!! Just the whole vibe is it, the set up and scenario is kinda sus but eh, anyways the couple is so cute and the ending was super satisfying! The natural progression of the couple also made it an enjoyable read! The couple were good together and complimented one another well! Both physically and with chemistry, had it all so reread and you'll love it!
Love Shuttle