Wei Jillian's manga / #Live-actions(2)

Life Senjou no Bokura

Complete | TOKOKURA Miya | 2016 released

The story about Nishi Yuuki and Ito Akira from teen years to retirement years. How they met, fell in love and all that cute romance shit. WARNING: Be aware of heartbreak and changes of life tho :3. Beautiful and simple yet realist, so is life. There's a beginning and there's an end. This story has such a great storyline it deserves to be written about more so here I gooo!!! And I will separate the live-action from it cuz... The live-action got like 4 episode. But it was still very great and well done!! Let just separate the two different form/version of this beautiful story okok?? Firstly first, I love how the main character met at the beginning, is cute and sweet. Because that is so teenager loves UwU and it took some times for the characters to realize that they're falling in love with each other. I do enjoy a good "love at first sight" story but I'm contented that this is not the case for them. Nishi Yuuki is an adorable mf, man I love his innocent and pure soul ("Child-like" how the author describes him but for me he was a beautiful and kind soul). Ito Akira on the other hand...a real Mf frfr, he's selfish, self-centred and inconsiderate. But deep down I do understand he's a decision completely and knowing how he was thinking and feeling just naturally leads to understanding him and even felt sympathy for him (Hmm he kinda cheated tho... (´。_。`)... Well can't forgive him for that). Related to the previous point I felt like Yuuki couldn't give Akira the "normal life" that he wanted so badly and the reason to that is because he's parents were giving him a lot of pressure. --> Striving to not disappoint them and doing better than his sister. (Was this even in the manga??? LOL I'm mixing shit now man.) Other things like seeing a mother with a child, for example, got him thinking about his situation. Aaand the woman who confessed was like an option or an opportunity for Akira to finally live a "normal" life, as the majority of the people around him (at the workplace for example). I disagree on getting back with someone who broke our heart to millions of pieces but this one, this one, I give in for it. They are soulmate and we can't deny it UwU. And they even got married?? Or at least Yuuki went from Nishi to Ito in last name~~~ I ADORABLE the drawing so much, the mangaka I should call drew really cute *Chef's kiss mwah" and that their age was showing, making it easier to follow ^_^. I love how fate/destiny did somehow play a big part in the story. (Reveals at the end) How their mother meets at the hospital when having check-up hehe the "--Before birth" Ooooh T^T. It was a sweet moment right after finishing the heartbreaking moment. And when Akira calls Yuuki a specialist of life, maa heart. Akira is an overthinker just like his mother lol. (CH6 ending) *More about the ending that I love so much, the subject of death. Cause one day or another if not break up then death will do us apart. Even though losing someone is a sad and a terrible event in life I still like how the author showed us "the life after losing someone we hold dearly". Because even without our love ones we still have to live on and keep on fighting for ourselves and the one that is still here with us in the presence. (Speaking from personally story lol). (CH5 ending) Buuuut it wasn't a saaad ending where Akira die left Yuuki miserable. No No, my baby was still shining tills the last moment. When Yuuki open his eyes, get out of the bed, open the door and started to run on the white line that led him to Akira, who was waiting for him. Hugging each other and turned to an aeroplane. It symbols a lot, you know a painting tells more than a thousand words. Oh, my heart, it simple yet beautiful. Yet tears were rolling down. ~T^T~ ~TOGETHER IN JOY AND SORROW~

Restart wa Tadaima no Ato de

Complete | Cocomi | 2017 released

Travelling back home from Tokyo to the countryside after getting fired and meeting his soon to be lover :3 Honestly I didn't enjoy this manga right away but after reading pass chapter 2-3 I started to like it. The story is not "woooow amazing, sugoiiii" but it was more like a "Mmmmm fluff, wholesome and slowly". Which is something that we all need from time to time. And it's actually relatable on some level. Not all love can start with just meeting eyes, because it sure takes more than that in reality. I also like the interaction that they (main couple) had with other characters in the story ... It's naturally and seem real?? IDK how to describe it but like people in real would somehow talk that way. Personally one of many reasons why it a great story is because I enjoy story that plays out in the countryside. Having seen so many setting in school and university can be plain sometimes. So it is a fresh and quite "unique" setting. "Unique" because I've seen other countryside but not many. Plus this manga is getting a live-action. (❁´◡`❁) UwU Very happy and I'll be waiting to see my lovely boys in 3D (*^_^*)