Restart wa Tadaima no Ato de
Travelling back home from Tokyo to the countryside after getting fired and meeting his soon to be lover :3 Honestly I didn't enjoy this manga right away but after reading pass chapter 2-3 I started to like it. The story is not "woooow amazing, sugoiiii" but it was more like a "Mmmmm fluff, wholesome and slowly". Which is something that we all need from time to time. And it's actually relatable on some level. Not all love can start with just meeting eyes, because it sure takes more than that in reality. I also like the interaction that they (main couple) had with other characters in the story ... It's naturally and seem real?? IDK how to describe it but like people in real would somehow talk that way. Personally one of many reasons why it a great story is because I enjoy story that plays out in the countryside. Having seen so many setting in school and university can be plain sometimes. So it is a fresh and quite "unique" setting. "Unique" because I've seen other countryside but not many. Plus this manga is getting a live-action. (❁´◡`❁) UwU Very happy and I'll be waiting to see my lovely boys in 3D (*^_^*)
Life Senjou no Bokura