Koishite kissshite kanjaitai
Aaaaaa too much this is too much xD. I'm overwhelmed with loveliness. This is too cute. The author focus on one thing only, this is new to me. But it not bad just to focus on their love time at all Ko ngờ mình có thể ăn cẩu lương nguyên truyện luôn. Ra ngoài ko muốn ăn cẩu lương. Về nhà lại trốn trong chăn mà đọc cơm chó. Tự nguyện ăn bát cơm này xD
Amagami wo Kimi ni
It's cute. It's good. It moves slowly. Chapter 4 still not have sex
Machibito no Taion
It's cute. So i did expected some drama or big plot but in the end it's just too boy found each other and felt in love. It was all about happiness from head to toe. And I like it. Things don't need to be complicated to become a good manga. I like how they love each other back. Some may find it boring but sometimes you need to read adorable, smoothy, happy things like this too.
Haru no Soiree
It's cute and interesting. Uke is so cute <3
Physical Talkroom
They love each other.
Together With Woo Rae
Itoshiki Ningyo
It's cute, interesting and quite good. Love the uke and the two fish, they're so lively
Kimi no Tabegoro