Sasakure Memoriaru
It was okay, I just couldn't get past the cheating guy to give it 4 stars.
Hana Ni Kuchizuke
Hana comes out to his crush and best friend in high school, has his way with him and ditches him! Now he's back. A unique turn around, and part of a connected world.
Higouhou Junai
This is a really good story. Although there are so many cliched topics, they are done in a unique, non-cliched way. It's very lite yaoi, but the character and story building was so good and well written that it is still a wonderful story.
17 Seito
It's a romance, but it's kind of a sad romance. Yuki, a 17 year old who's never really felt any passion for anything in life, and hasn't ever fallen love despite being good looking and having girlfriends, is suddenly taken aback by a man he meets, who turns out to be a teacher at him school. 9 years age difference, but he starts falling for his teacher and ends up telling him. But his teacher is in his own unrequited love with his own friend from high schhol for 10 years. An un-requited love 10 years old meets an un-requited new love. This is slow paced, but full of emotions. It feels sad and lonely, and I can't help wondering if this manga is supposed to be about how un-requited love feels or about this couple. They start to learn about each other, the lonely teacher and the popular but lonely student. It still feels like something is missing, but it's a good story.
Because Of You
completed 30 chapters links to other manga, waning moon, to take an enemys heart i like.
Broken Season (Revised)
50 chapters people also like links to mangas i like read first
The Perfect Relationship
seems seriously dark and twisted completed looks really interesting read first
The Only One Who Didn't Know
seems good completed 37 chapters comments say heavy topics most recent, really popular read first
I Hate