Tadatada Suki to Iu Dake de
An incredibly shy guy ends up getting in lots of fights and being looked always at as a delinquent, so he grows up playing the part. The only ones who is kind to him is a super popular guy at school, that he secretly wants to be friends with. That guy approaches him, saying lets be friends, and I think I like guys, I want to date you. Here progresses a super tough guy llooking loner that is so shy he blushes at everything and tears up quick uke, and a nice guy but actually pervy seme. It's cute, I just wish there was more about them actually liking each other, and their relati9onship developing.
Shirouto Yankee Kikiippatsu!!
A story of a random delinquent who is in a fight and once done, someone tries to attack him with a bat to the back of the head. A man helps him out and then throw a bottle to him, saying you should thank me. Delinquent says he doesnt have any money but will thank him any other way. Mr. Saver turns out to be a porn star, who yanks him to the office and says ok, you can pay me back by shooting as my partner in this film. There goes a funny and sexy story of how a fighter uke and a porn star turn smut to affection. Definitely a lot of smut and enough of a story line to make it cute.
Violence Na Kimi Ga Suki