Wanko to Nyanko
very cute and unique story about one best friend for 12 years had fallen in love with the other best friend and confessed in college. longer than it seems, it's a double page comic. And they both have a thing for cats and dogs, respectively.
Papa's Life
I would have to guess from the drawing that this might have been either one of Ogawa's first works, or a sketch that was released. Interesting.
My life in two panels
I guess those two panels can explain many people's lives- I'm renaming it 50% of the world in two panels. Can someone explain to me how this is listed as horror, and how it got tagged as smut, sexy, threesome and s&m? Did I read the same manga?
Dear Myself
The workings of the mind to this day, we know nothing about.
Mic and Neo
It was so hard to categorize this one; such an interesting story, about man who tries to kill himself and the Buddhist temple caretaker finds him- Neo, and brings him to stay inside the temple. Neo always has had a knack for finding people trying to kill themselves or those who succeed in front of him. THe man he finds is Mic. He has amnesia- and only a kids bag inside, and a name tag that says Mic. It's a very iteresting story that involves so much more than memory, - questions life- could you love someone if you thought they were a murderer?- questions locking your heart away so no pain can befall you - questions the world itself.... And the answers it gives, I never saw coming. Worth reading.
Kekkon Suru Kamoshirenai Otoko
It's good but it's different..... intense and serious, without any poorly timed comedy to lighten things up. Things like forever are heavy, and I hope it stays that way.
Drugless Sex
I really liked this collection of short stories. It's dark and twisted but done so great, such great characters that you love them exactly for their being crazy
Abarenbo honey