Into The Blue Water
Good read, it's a shame it only has 8 chapters. I guess this is the kind of manhwa that gets "low" rates not because it is bad but because the relationship is...questionable. However, it deserves a better ranking, it was good and the plot surprised me A man is in love with his sister's fiance. In a car accident, the fiance gets severely hurt and enters a loop in which every week he losses his memory (he wakes up on monday not understanding anything, his brother in law explains everything to him but forgets it by next monday)
Define The Relationship
I devote myself completely to this couple.
Plot is gooood, I want more love in it but I'm not complaining (yet) weón. 10 de 10.
Foul's Start
Another recommendation from la agus, another manhwa that I'll like Right now I'm enjoying it so I won't be cagá with the rating (and the draw is god) I wish the plot involved more the bubble storyline since it is what makes it distinctive from others, I won't complain yet
Tameshi ni Komando Itte mita
Masa and oto are doms. Oto's commands are too powerful and makes subs feel scared, so he isn't able to find a suitable parter. While having a conversation with masa about this, jokingly he gives him a command and masa responds to it. I love the "meant to be with each other" thing: Oto's commands only work well with masa and masa is a sub just for oto.
Stranger Than Friends
Couldn't care less about the second couple edit: how is people liking the second couple?? edit 2: who the fuck cares about the boss?????