Death Delayed for a Short Time Because of the Will
I like the ml a lot. I started the novel and I love their interactions edit: I finished the novel and I LOVE THEM
Such an enjoyable and fun read. I really liked the world building and the characters were so good, everyone was so definied and never contradicted themselfs. On a note, chidamaru was hilarious. Somehow I would have liked some sides in which they'd developed ebisu's and/or fujita's characters (since they are still young and ebisu has kinda lost herself) and to know what happened to En beyond all this. However, this is just me being greedy because I want to read more of this, in the sense that i'd love for this to have a sequel of just all the characters interacting with each other and being silly. But that's me, the story is complete as it is and I was entertained all the time.
How To Survive As A Player
It's up to ch60 in tmo (end of 2nd season) I DIED, with the twist of the duke never saying that he hated sehyun but rather that he LOVED HIM and then he started saying it NONSTOP, GOT ME FIDGETING MY FEET Oh my god and the scene in which they ripped sehyun's wing was devastating, I really want with all my will for him to be able to get it back
Surviving as the Shapeshifting Fox in a Tragedy Novel