Love Awakening x Syndrome
UGHHH I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS MANGA! Like this autor sure creates such beautiful stories its insane The communication, the fact that sensei actually waited for uke to be ready for literally e v e r y t h i n g, and how healthy their relationship is Also love how naive and cute uke is and how sensei just laughs at everything lmao won't even start about the hit scenes. Masterpiece. True masterpiece. I felt butterflies in my stomach throughout the whole thing. Definitely reading it again sometime.
Happy End wa Goisshoni
God this one was SO CUTE Like the fact that Wataru is just so girly and adorable and Sato is as well but just too shy to admit it is just so damn precious But I found it mad attractive when Wataru became serious every once in a while and that final door scene was just really intense and interesting, something I haven't seen till now. All in all, a pure gem and definitely deserved a place in my favorites :))
Come on-a My House
Loved it. So fluffy and nice TT Love how tengo went out of the room when they started doing the deed lmaoo Also loved Reiji's dad at the end, kinda always knew he loves his son and Reiji is just misunderstanding him.
Otameshi Delivery Lover
Loved both stories tehee So much fluff and pretty faces I love this author
Living With Him: Heating Up
Cuties hehe This is an epilogue i think?