Junbaku Sweeter
UGHHH EVERYONE IS SO PRETTY BUT I WANNA GOBBLE KYOUCHI UP HES SO HOT AND SEXY AND BEAUTIFULWHAT THEFUCK AND HE EVEN LIKES BDSM Kinda sad he didn't explore himself to the fullest because there's just so much more we could've seen apart from nude shooting I loved this story, in a weird way cos there was a lot of meddling from the outside but I really liked it Kyoichi has chemestry with everyone in this manga im serious Goes to faves and this manga probably fits into the MOST DELICIOUS ARTSTYLE category as well because WHAT THE FUCK I WANNA EAT SENSEIS ART OH AND WHEN UMI SAID "Ever thought that I might like a guy enough to have sex with him" IN THE FIRST CHAPTER WHILE LOOKING AT KYOICHI LIKE T H A T I DIED EVEN I GOT A NONEXISTANT BONER FROM THAT HES SO HOT
Ichimai Goshi Fetish