Yonin no Nibiiro
This story is very well written. I love the twists of the characters and basically the themes that are represented. I only gave it a rating of a 4 because of the incest, but that part of the story is really interesting and makes you want to know more about the characters. Wish there was more to the ending though.
Hoobae's Touch is Healing
Very short but sweet. Wish there was more.
Put a Smile On
Nothing will ever justifie the rape incident and the story most of the way just made a side factor. I also did not like that they tried to justify the rapist Kang by giving a sappy background story and made the victim Junho fall in love with him at the end.
Cherry Blossoms After Winter
One of my favorite bl's to read and is in my top 10. Very sweet and wholesome in the beginning and spicy towards the end.
Coffee Time Romance