Bloody Sweet
Man it was a good read. The vampire was so nice and kind to her and I'm glad they fell in love. Such a good story.
I read this a long time ago tho it hurts to say that my senior year ended incomplete cause of covid. I read this before my senior year but I had the feels . The anime was good too. I might read it again just to feel sad lol but otherwise, I love the story!
Dawn Tsumetai Te
I like the story but I wish there was more.
Our Encounter
Although I read it a long time ago on Webcomics, it was very interesting and I loved the art and plot. I'm glad the couple got together and yea it might be confusing at first but reading it slowly is well worth it
Chihira-kun wa Maryoku ga Tarinai
Well worth the read. At least communication happened. The spn meme made me laugh but sad at the same time because it fit so well into the manga yet spn finished and it makes me sad. Anyways I enjoyed reading this managa.
Kindan no Koi de Ikou
Good read and worth it for the plot
Ssg - Meimon Danshikou Keppuuroku
Honestly I found this confusing
Vampire Princess Miyu