Our Sunny Days
This bring tears of joy to my face, are you crazy?!! THIS SO FUCKING ADORABLE. FUCCKCKCKCKCKCKCK I LOVE THIS SO MUCH HOLY SHIT. i just wish i was late for this so i can read it all in one go, but i have to suffer and wait. Is it worth it? hell yah. I LOVE THEM SO MCUHHHH. ugh i love my family ️ I just want to take a moment and thank the author for doing justice to homo relationships. This was a literal breath of fresh air. After all the shit i have seen... Dont even get me started. Second, they both are so beautifully in love with each other and it warms my fucking heart. Like holly shit. The baby is a great bonus, i hope the sweet girl gets a name in the upcoming chapter's... That would be a wholesome moment. Maybe even a perfect way to end the story? Haha we'll see.
King's Maker
Fuck, this story was so shiting good. I think i finished it in 3 days, the hole mother fucking story. It was so good i cant even stress it enough. Even homofobic people wirh die to be loved like wolfgang and shin love each other.
Muhyeok and Naui: My Irresistible Neighbor