Lea's manga / #violence(6)

Maria Boy

Complete | Kimura Hidesato | 2000 released

Spin Out (KUNIEDA Saika)

Complete | KUNIEDA Saika | 2013 released

Sad ending! And dark-themed

Mary Jane

Ongoing | Gwagen , DUNDUN | 2019 released

WF ch. 41 Patient A = Jang Jiwon ("Crack") Dr. Ji = "Father" ? https://newtoki319.com/webtoon/25217759/매리제인?stx=매리제인

My Suha

Complete | Chahyun | 2019 released

Wf ch.167 (main could side story, but second couple apparently also appears) Dropped main couple story, too boring, side couple story is super interesting! Especially the end considering they don't end up with each other (which is very logical!) Hoping for a sequel where Do-Hyeok got the therapy he needed and they meet again