Do You Still Like Me?
Wf side story 9 Colton inspired vase: ch.44 Jinwoo had met up with Colton before all the rape shit happened: First: at a bar for a one night stand, to "make each other forget" (ch.41) Second: it was at a party and Colton said he likes Jinwoo's speech more than his art. So he liked him as a person(!) more than his pottery. Jinwoo has never heard that before. And also then remembers him from the one night stand. Colton doesn't remember? (Ch.33-34) Third: Then he met in Korea again where Jinwoo asked for Minjae at the reception (ch.35)
Number of Cases
I love it so much.경우의+수&toon=BL%2FGL
Morbid Attachment
WF Ch.14 Hm, not really catching me
Sukijanaitte Hyakkai Tonaeta