david_holmes's manga / #Unrequited love(173)

Why Are You So Kind To Everyone Except Me?

Complete | Mallinflower | 2022 released

UTD (read chapter 36). 1 full penetrative sex scenes (first time c36 both naked missionary; first sexy times c26-27 cock frotting). I’m loving this! No I LOOOOOOOVE THIS OMGGGG!!! This is SEMECOPY at its best when seme’s copy everything about their uke’s because they’re so in love!! SEMESOINLOVE! By chapter 18, I have SO FAVOURITED THIS! I would be crazy not to it’s just SO SEXY AND GOOD!!! And also it’s ALL ABOUT SEME BEING DRIVEN CRAZY WITH JEALOUSY! C12: They shared a kiss back in high school because seme was so in love but uke acted awkward like he hated it when in fact uke thought it was his dirty fantasy and felt guilty toward seme so acted that way which hurt seme and made him cold towards uke but still loves uke. C13: Seme’s sexy moodiness from jealousy made butterflies flutter in my belly. C14: SEXY chapter with seme indirectly confessing that he kissed uke back in high school by saying he loses control of his urges when he drinks just like now with uke standing right in front of him but says he can never act on them while looking at uke. Then when uke acts innocent (because he has no idea what seme is talking about but feels a weird mood), seme confronts uke directly asking if he’s just pretending not to know or denying what happened between them on purpose. More butterflies in my belly damnnnn! C15: SEXY MURDEROUS JEALOUSY SEME when he sees uke taking another handsome guys number (it was for a girl but seme came charging like a demon of death halo and ready to murder that guy). SEXYYY!! Then when uke explained the situation seme became all smiles. C16: JEALOUS DESPERATE SEME DRINKING HIMSELF DRUNK JUST BECAUSE HE MISTAKENLY THOUGHT UKE SLEPT WITH HIS FEMALE FRIEND who’s just a really good friend EVEN THOUGH HE CAN’T HOLD HIS LIQUOR. AND DRUNKENLY CALLING UKE’S NAME OVER AND OVER AND OVER SEMESOINLOVE!!! MY HEART AND MY BELLY FLUTTER!!! C17: OMGGG SEMESOINLOVE SEME’S PASSCODE TO HIS APARTMENT IS UKE’S BIRTHDATE AWWWW!!! C18: DRUNK SEME GETTING ALL HOT AND HEAVY ON UKE SUCKING AND BITING HIS SKIN AND RUBBING HIS ERECTION ON UKE’S BUTT! We don’t see it but uke sure as hell felt it! And he wouldn’t let uke go home he was clinging onto uke so hard! C19: Jealous seme ambushing uke confronting uke about whether he’s going out with his female friend and then being proud of leaving that possessive kiss mark on uke’s neck! C20: INSANELY POSSEESIVE AND JEALOUS SEME NOT LETTING UKE FORGET THEY SHARED A KISS YEARS BEFORE OR HAVE YKE PRETEND THE NIGHT SEME GAVE HUM POSSESSIVE LOVE BITES DIDN’T HAPPEN AND DOES IT THIS TIME BOTH SOBER! Also gets INSANELY POSSESSIVE DARKLY DEMANDING IF UKE DOES THIS WITH OTHER PEOPLE WHEN UKE PLAYS IT OFF AS SOMETHING THAT HAPPENS WHEN PEOPLE ARE DRUNK! Stupid uke thinks seme is bipolar or has split personality due to seme’s jealous rages and uke not getting why he suddenly becomes dark and moody when he’s super happy (when uke says he’s never done it with others before). C21: Got BUTTERFLIES IN MY BELLY MAJORTIME due to seme’s wanting more from uke who when he questions what uke’s thinking, scared to have his feelings exposed uke says it’s because seme is so handsome and respects him which is not what seme was joking for clearly so says uke is also good looking and drives him crazy wanting to touch, bite and lick uke every time he sees him and says this is what you to do me and makes uke touch his HARD-ON ERECTION SEME MAKING UKE TOUCH HIS ERECTION AND UKE IS SHOCKED AT HIS HUGE DICK! We don’t exactly see the bulge or tent but kinda and he’s huge implied because seme takes uke hand and makes him touch his hard dick which is far along his thigh!! C26-27 +29: JESUS WHAT A MONSTER DICK SEME… Huge Dick seme it’s like a baby’s leg my god! C30: More butterflies in my belly from more jealous seme. Uke had gone over to seme’s house as a surprise hoping to spend some time but was crying heart broken after he sees a girl come over who uke mistakenly thought used to go out with seme (all in uke’s head I’m sure because seme is so lovesick for oblivious uke) and stay over an hour so when they come out and seme texts him uke acts evasive and seme asks if uke is with anyone while making a very dark expression (uke sees this as he’s just outside seme’s house but of course is so oblivious to seme’s feelings and jealousy he has no clue). Uke runs away but seme keeps calling and asks again who he’s with and when uke turns him down when seme says he’s coming over to see uke seme is clearly unhappy when uke says he has plans. SEXY JEALOUS SEME. C32: EXTREMELY JEALOUS SEME from uke texting himself with his sister (without showing her face so for seme it’s just a random woman) while he abruptly accompanied his sister to Taiwan. C33: RHINOS STOMPING WILDLY IN MY GUT LIKE CRAZY AND LOSING MY MIND WITH BELLY IN A TWIST FROM ALL THE ABOVE MISUNDERSTANDING WITH JEALOUS ANGRY POSSESSIVE SEME LOSING HIS MIND OVER UKE AND HIS UNFATHOMABLE ACTIONS (as he thinks uke’s just playing with him and thought uke was with a random girl in Taiwan and having a blast while seme was going crazy and checking his phone every second for a text but getting none because uke had lost his phone) AND SQUEEZING UKE’S ARM POSSESSIVELY AND PAINFULLY TO SEME’S UTTER DESPERATION FOR UKE TO UNDERSTAND SEME WILL DO *ANYTHING* GO DOWN ON HIS KNEES AND BEG, FOLLOW UKE EVERYWHERE (WHICH SEME WAS ALREADY DOING) AND DO EVERYTHING UKE SAYS DEMANDING UKE IF UKE WILL FINALLY LET SEME BE WITH HIM IF HE DOES ALL THAT AND THEN OUT OF SHEER DESPERATION AND HURT SHOUTING “HOW LONG SHOULD I LET YOU WALK ALL OVER ME?” AND THEN SEME LEAVES (this is when uke realises seme loves him and that maybe he’s fed up of loving him and will lose seme so uke panics) BUT DESPERATE WHIPPED SEME COMES BACK SAYING SORRT FOR SHOUTING AND UKE CAN DO WHATEVER HE WANTS (seme basically breaking his own heart thinking he’ll let uke have his fun with others while he watches so long as he gets to be beside uke OMGGGG MY HEART) TO PLEASE NOT PUSH HIM AWAY!!! OMGGGG SEMESOINLOVE AND DESPERATE FOR UKE!!! But then finally uke confesses his longtime love to dispel the longtime misunderstanding much to seme’s utter shock and happiness and seme confesses the same that it was love at first sight for him and he’s always loved uke AWWWWW!! C34: MORE RHINOS IN MY GUT STOMPING FROM SEME MAJOR JEALOUSY AND POSSESSIVENESS AT SEEING HIS NOW LOVER UKE IN THE ARMS OF A MALE FRIEND AND THE PURE GLOOM AND DOOM AND DEATH AURA SEME GIVES OFF WHILE GLARING PURE DAGGERS AT THEIR MUTUAL FRIEND WHO IS CONFUSED AND TERRIFIED IS SO HOT!! OK SEME IS THE CONSTANTLY JEALOUS POSSESSIVE TYPE BOYFRIEND ALWAYS ANGRILY ASKING WHO UKE WENT THERE WITH AND THEN JEALOUS THAT UKE IS CLOSE TO A MALE FRIEND ANS WHY THEY’RE SO CLOSE ETC! SEME SO JEALOUS ALL THE TIME!! C35: MORE RHINOS IN MY GUT FROM SUPER POSSESSIVE BOYFRIEND SEME ACTING LIKE A STALKER SEME CONSTANTLY CALLING UKE ABD ASKING WHO HE’S WITH!! Then showing up where uke is at unannounced like a STALKER I LOVE IT!! C36: FIRST TIME SEX WITH SEME’S ARM SIZED DICK LOL! Saying he’s been dreaming of taking uke this way for so long saying uke has no idea how many times he’s messed up up this way while fucking him with his giant cock! Seme is so desperate! Kang Chaeheon x Seo Jeongyun. University students. Ex-high school classmates. Black haired x light haired. Gorgeous seme. Handsome seme. Tall seme. Very tall seme. 190cm x 178cm. Height difference. Rich seme (he buys expensive stiff like SUV cars when he’s just in university). Popular seme. Good at everything seme. Abs seme. Big hands seme (c09 uke is surprised how big seme’s hands are). Big feet seme (c18 the size difference is so sexy with seme’s naked feet size vs uke’s socked one). Smart seme. Scholarship seme (c07 seme mentions it). Arrogant seme (c07 seme mentioning he’s academic excellence so he won’t be affected by skipping a day hehe). Smoker seme. Seme who’s kind to everyone but uke. Clearly seme has feelings for uke as he’s always following him around secretly and literally copies EVERYTHING uke does. Popular uke. Pretty boy uke. Unrequited love uke. Oblivious uke (to seme’s very obvious and ominous feelings). Unrequited love seme. Jealous seme (c05 uke’s drunk friend away from uke who was clinging onto uke and acting like it was a simple thing he’d do with anyone but then poking the friend with his foot (subtlety kicking) the friend once dead drunk haha, seme is definitely jelly and possessive). Blushing seme (c05 super subtlety blushing only his ears from uke holding his large hand). Confession seme (c05 seme confession indirectly that he likes uke when he says he likes all physical contact with a person that he likes meaning uke after uke touches him and uke thinks seme hates it when seme recoils and blushes his ears off but uke just doesn’t get seme’s roundabout way of confessing haha). Jealous seme (c13 seme acting moody because he’s jealous after back in c11 I think a friend made a big dream that uke was dating a female friend which seme overheard of course as he’s ALWAYS beat uke somehow and got jealous). MURDEROUS JEALOUS SEME (c15 when he sees uke taking another handsome guys number and looks demonic and about ready to kill that other guy who’s terrified; it was a misunderstanding in the end and he went back to being happy and polite). Jealous seme (c16 seme drinking himself into a stupor just because he thought uke had slept with his female friend). Desperate seme (c16 seme calling uke’s name over and over drunkenly). Implied erection seme (c18 rubbing his stiffy all over uke). Possessive seme (c18 possessive sexual behaviour where he was bring and leave possessive marks all over uke). More jealous seme (c19 ambushing uke and confronting uke about whether or not he’s going out with that female friend of his). More possessive seme (c19 being proud that he left those mean possessive kiss marks on uke’s neck). Insanely Possessive seme (c20 when seme demands if he gets intimate with other when drunk when uke tries to play it off as a drunk people behaviour of getting too caught up in the moment). Huge dick seme (c21 we don’t see it very well but it’s heavily implied as seme makes uke touch his erection and it’s way far down his thigh and uke is shocked at how huge he is; c26-27 we see it and it is big though uke doesn’t mention it). Implied erection seme (c21). Semi-tenting trousers seme (c21 just see a slight outline of his bulge down his thigh). Implied masturbating seme (c27 seme says he has to jerk off a few times in the shower after their mutual wanking and seme was still so hard even after coming loads all iver uke). Huge dick seme (c26-27). Big dick seme (c26-27). More jealous seme (c30 when seme thinks uke is with someone else and gets rejected to see uke with uke saying he has plans). Jealous seme (c32 when uke suddenly has to go to Taiwan with his sister and texts a pic of him and his sis without showing her face and same angrily freaks out on uke when he sees uke even missing college which seme has never done (missing any class) since they met). Super Jealous and Possessive seme (c33 thinking uke was off gallivanting with women in Taiwan and leaving him high and dry while he was going crazy and grabbing uke’s arm in a vice grip). Utterly desperate seme (c33 thinking uke’s just playing with him and losing his mind over uke being with others but saying he’ll let him so long as uke doesn’t push him away). Mutual confession (c33 uke confesses first to finally dispel years of misunderstanding when uke realises seme has feelings for him and that he’s been hurting because uke was too oblivious). MORE MAJOR JEALOUS SEME (c34 when uke is in the arms of a mutual male friend and seme is about to murder said friend with his aura of death and doom and look). Constantly jealous seme (c34 always angry when uke is close to others or has gone somewhere like pubs with others). SUPER POSSESSIVE SEME (c35 constantly calling and texting uke where he is and who he’s with and it’s so sexy and he even shows up unannounced where uke is to whisk him away like a stalker boyfriend). Stalker seme (c35 seme boyfriend basically acting like a stalker constantly checking up on uke and showing up where he is and uke is just so in love he doesn’t realise how possessive seme is acting!). Giant cock seme (c36 lol the size of it geez!). Desperate seme (c36 during sex losing it as he’s dreamed of taking uke this way for so long). X-ray innies fingerfucking (c36 all of uke’s Pink insides shown at seme’s fingers spear uke and rubs uke’s prostate). X-ray innies fucking (c36 seme’s massive cock splitting uke’s pink rectum). First time painful sex (c36 I should think so with a cock SO MASSIVE!). Condom sex (c36).

Minami-kun Wants to be Teased by that Voice

Ongoing | Coco aino | 2019 released

UTD (read chapter 8). 5 full penetrative sex scenes (first time c04 was very vivid explicit sex fantasy of seme of him fucking uke with his hard thick cock slicing into uke’s pink swollen loose hole so counted it; 2nd c05 is first real time sex in bed first with both sitting and seme thrusting into uke with uke sitting on seme and then seme on top and very passionate and loving; 3rd c06 hot hot fuck session partially clothed in bed and both horny for each other with sexy horny super in love seme fucking uke missionary being completely lost in the pleasure and moaning sexily and sitting on his knees and holding uke’s thighs and later ankles spread open and fucking into uke; 4th c06 same previous session continuation after seme has come and now both completely naked and seme fucking uke doggystyle as well as various positions with uke on top and back to missionary implying they fucked many times and for a long time but didn’t count each as new ones though from discarded condom wrappings and tissues implied at least 3 times in this session; 5th c08 both naked in bed sexy passionate with seme making uke be on top and seme fucking pounding uke from beneath and implied another session as seme comes and removed his big cock to fuck uke again from behind but they don’t show the second penetration so can’t count it). I didn’t know they could do sex ASMR LOL! Guess it should have been obvious but man… UNF!! The sexy sexual tension from uke being turned on and jacking off to seme’s voice while seme talks sweetly behind uke and seme being turned on by it all without meaning to and sporting a raging hard-on UGHHH!!! THIS IS SO FUCKING SEXY HOW JEALOUS SEME GETS WITHOUT REALISING WHAT THIS FEELING IS (C02)!!! THIS IS SO SEXY AND GOOD!!! C02: When uke starts avoiding seme on campus, seme is much more hurt than he realises and tells himself it’s only because he felt a sense of superiority that someone from the popular gang like uke was so desperate for someone uncool like seme and couldn’t come without seme. But the hurt turns into jealousy when he sees uke being friendly with girls and even follows uke to the restaurant to spy on him (stalker seme, lol). But it turns out uke was avoiding seme because he was always hard whenever he’d hear seme’s voice. SEME’S JEALOUSY IS SO DAMN SEXY!! Seme has clearly fallen in love with uke but doesn’t realise it himself yet. C03: The misunderstanding between seme and uke both leading to their jealousy and uke distancing himself from seme and seme being shocked stupid that uke’s done with him is SO SO HOT IT GOT ME BUTTERFLIES FLUTTERING IN MY BELLY!!! C04: Seme masturbating wanking off to sexy uke imagining himself fucking uke and then coming but he’s so scared to scare off uke he lies saying he wasn’t jerking off during their phone sex which hurts uke because uke is also in love with seme and realises he seme could never be turned on by uke when seme is CRAZY HORNY for uke and wants nothing more than to fuck him silly… Stupid dishonest seme for hurting uke without meaning to… Dumbo seme… C05: SUPER POSSESSIVE SEME TELLING ALL HIS FOLLOWERS THAT HE WISHES UKE COULDN’T LIVE WITHOUT SEME FOR UKE TO DEPEND ONLY ON HIM WAHHH!!! Saying he’s not a nice guy because he wants to touch uke so bad and wants to be the ONLY ONE uke depends on, wants uke to keep relying on seme and never getting rid of his (can’t come without your voice) so he can never get a lover and ONLY DEPEND ON and cling to seme!!! Seme confesses or professes his love in a live stream and says uke’s name and uke heard it and confronts seme to which seme confesses again. Aww! C08: Enter the reason for seme’s inferiority complex, his perfect handsome, tall and adored big brother Karasuma Yuuki. Who looks down on seme saying he’s so gloomy and embarrassing and again showing up at seme’s apartment after seme fcked his sexy uke, big bro says seme hasn’t changed at all. SemePOV. Karasuma Koudai x Minami Masaya. College students. 19 x ??. ASMR streamer x listener. Erotic ASMR x fan. Introvert x outgoing. Loner x popular. Unpopular x outgoing. Black hair x brown. Handsome seme. Tall seme (but uke is tall as well but seme taller). Gloomy seme. Expressionless seme. Adorable seme (especially his chibi form). Droopy eyes seme (subtle). Sexy voice seme. Deep voice seme. Flirt seme (c03 coming onto uke using his sexy voice). Cute uke. Pretty uke. Good looking uke. Charming uke. Popular uke. Voice fetish uke. Slutty Uke. Lewd uke. Erection seme (c01 being turned on by uke coming from his voice). Tenting trousers seme (c01 from seeing uke come from his voice). Masturbating seme (c01 after uke leaves embarrassed, seme jerks himself off in the shower thinking about sexy uke). Anal masturbating uke (c02). More tenting trousers seme (c02 after another sexy talk (seme) and masturbation session (uke). Jealous seme (c02 seeing uke being overly close to another girl). Stalker seme (c02 following uke into a restaurant after seme to spy on him and a girl). More jealous seme (c03 when another acquaintance implies uke will get himself a girlfriend and seme freaks out internally). Sexy jealous pain seme (c03 when uke says he’s fine without seme’s sexy voice and seme shuts down inside thinking it’s the end of their time together). Erection seme (c04 during phone sex). Tenting trousers seme (c04). Masturbating seme (c04 during phone sex and coming hard in his hand). Anal masturbating uke (c04 with his bubble butt being speared by his fingers). Misunderstandings (c04 when uke is hurt seme is not turned on by him when seme just came to uke yet was scared to freak out uke and said he wasn’t masturbating). Crying uke (c04 hurt that seme could never be turned on by him so clearly he’s also in love with seme). Possessive seme (c05 seme wished he was the only one uke clinged onto and depended on). Super possessive seme (c05 seme admitting to his followers he’s in love with someone and wants that person to depend on him so much they couldn’t live without him wow uke you’ve got your work cut out for you, this seme you think is meek and nice wants you TOTALLY). Confession seme (c05 confessing his love for uke to his love streamers and name-dropping uke’s name). Erection seme (c05 while they’re getting hot and heavy). Tenting trousers seme (c05). Big dick seme (c05 uke thinking it’s huge when he sees it). Jealous seme (c05 possessively calling to uke for him to “come here”). Possessive seme (c05 calling out for uke to “come here” possessively haha). Jealous uke (c06 when semes voice is recognised by a female fan). More Erection seme (c06 when seme simply cuddling intimately with uke and kissing his cheek). Tenting trousers seme (c06). Big dick seme again (c06 uke is once again still amazed at seme’s big dick size from the huge tent in his trousers). Tokoroten uke (c06 cums while seme tenderly dirty talks while fucking uke open; c08 uke’s cock was rubbing on seme’s abdomen but still tokoroten). Condom sex (c06). Fucktalking seme (c08 sexy voice seme fucktalking about uke loving being held down by seme (seme is holding down uke’s hips from the bottom so he can fuck up into uke and slam his cock in while uke just takes it from the top held down by seme’s hand) and being fucked nice and deep). Seme does sex ASMR roleplays where female viewers send in sex scripts and he re-enacts them with (it’s all about fucking the girl hard and coming inside them). He’s never been popular like his good-looking older brother and is gloomy so he enjoys the praise he gets for this. However he’s not getting much views and is becoming disillusioned by what he’s doing. One day, by chance he discovers on this popular charming fellow student’s (uke) phone that he happens to be one of his biggest and most loyal fans and commentator. Seme had always envied uke’s charms as seme is unpopular and gloomy. Uke also realises who seme is when he sees seme’s phone screen and loses all composure demanding why he stopped streaming and confesses he needs seme’s voice to come and on a whim seme offers to help uke seeing that vulnerable and embarrassed expression on uke. Seme brings uke home and talks to uke sexily and teases uke so much (uke likes seme being more sadistic and mean) that uke comes and seme to his shock sports a huge raging boner.

Sankaku Twilight

Complete | Hakata | 2022 released

Complete (read chapter 5.5). 1 full penetrative sex scenes (first time c5.5 clothed in bed with seme big dick missionary; c05 first time non-penetrative sex with aggressive uke giving seme a blowjob until he loses his mind and then seme fucking uke from behind clothed with intercrural sex). First kiss (c03 seme pulls heartbroken crying uke and kisses him). Seme is ABSOLUTELY STUNNING LIKE WOW… I mean he’s OUT OF THIS WORLD GORGEOUS! Definitely one of the most handsome seme’s I’ve ever seen!! What a specimen I just can’t get over how beautiful he is damn! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS! It’s been so long I’ve actually been into a BL story of late (November 25, 2023 especially with my constant cervical nerve pain)! SEMESOINLOVE!! Aww!! C01: I already love the interest seme shows in uke even though he can’t stand uke and his laziness during library committee and skipping and all and just because wild uke mentions his idol senpai “Wataru” (another gorgeous seme type wild playboy 3rd year senpai named Aoba Wataru with cool black hair and undercut hairstyle and piercings) with admiration and seme thinks to himself “who’s that?” and kinda being interested in why uke’s so different around that senpai. Seme also kinda gets annoyed that uke listens to everything that senpai says. C02: Gorgeous seme’s subtle jealousy made my heart skip a beat especially because he didn’t know why he was acting like that or where it came from. Uke gets attached to seme and while at first Seme thought it was a nuisance he starts to really enjoy uke’s company and friendship and goes with the flow but more importantly starts to notice how different uke acts around his beloved childhood friend senpai and starts to become jealous of their closeness like wishing he knew uke when they were young or not liking that uke is so sweet when he talks to his senpai. Seme tries to stay unbothered but it irks him a little. Seme starts to fall in love when he keeps getting flustered over uke’s antics and skinship. I love how seme is a natural seme calling uke incredibly cute and honest and not getting why he called another guy cute lol. It’s in his blood haha. Meanwhile, rival seme (who uke has an unrequited onesided secret love for) gets possessive of uke by talking as if he owns him and telling seme to back off indirectly and seme is FURIOUS! C03: Adorable seme’s jealousy is much more pronounced and obvious now like screaming for to stop talking about that senpai. But his jealousy is so cute how he’s like “why am I acting like this?” Jealous when uke keeps talking about “Watarun” and dating how he’ll cook for him when he comes over to his house and seme’s like “well you never cooked for me when *I* came *grumpy*” LOL HOW CUTE!!! Seme is really falling for uke and kisses him under the stars when uke is crying from being heartbroken as the possessive senpai who views uke like property yet probably knows of uke’s feelings has a girlfriend as didn’t tell uke. Meanwhile, senpai who has been using uke by taking advantage of his feelings yet not ever planning to mention it and finding it gross when his friends ask if he’d ever go out with uke gets a taste of his own medicine. C05: Aww jealous heartbroken seme walking around aimlessly missing uke like crazy and thinking about how his uke is with another guy and going out with the one he likes aww poor handsome seme-kun! And uke finally starting to get jealous that seme may be going out with another girl. SemePOV. Hara Ikkei x Hasegawa Miki. High school students. 2nd years (different classes). Opposites. Hate first. Hate to love. Enemies to Lovers. School heartthrob x delinquent. Red haired (light brown) x blond. Library committee. Library duty. Forced proximity. Handsome seme. Gorgeous seme. Stunning seme. Cool seme. Tall seme. Prince seme. Smart seme. Top student seme. ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS seme. Popular seme (ladies). Floppy hair seme. Soft hair seme. Mixed race seme. Part foreign seme. Bookworm seme. Adorable Chibi seme (his chibi form is way too cute!). Seme who doesn’t like attention from girls (rejected every girl who confesses to him as he’s not interested). Introverted seme. Kind of loner seme who doesn’t get close to people easily because he’s always being talked about. Blushing seme (he keeps blushing when uke gets too close and gets caught off guard by uke). Big dick seme (c03 when seme’s male classmates despair how unfair it is that seme has not only the looks but also a huge dick (maybe because he’s mixed race) when they’re in the men’s bath during a school trip). Huge dick seme. Yankee uke. Delinquent uke. Kizudarake uke. Piercings uke. Earrings uke. Wild uke. Fighting uke. Badass uke. Long-haired uke in half tucked ponytail. Bad reputation uke. Scary uke. Dog like uke. Loner uke. Unrequited love uke (for his handsome childhood friend and senpai “Watarun” or Aoba Wataru). Seme confronts uke about liking that senpai and uke freaks out. The next day uke is shocked that no one knows about his gay feelings as he thought seme would tell the whole school but seme says he’s not the kind to talk about others behind their backs as he knows the feeling since people keep talking about him and since then uke starts to appreciate seme and become fond of seme for being “a good guy”. Jealous seme (c02 when he starts to think he wished he met uke at that time before Senpai met uke and many more moments like when uke rejected seme to fiend lunch together as uke spends it with “Watarun”). More obvious and intense jealous seme (c03). First kiss seme (c03 seme kisses uke sweetly when uke cries from broken heart). First love seme (c03 seme admits to himself he loves uke). Jealous seme (c05 when uke is going out with unrequited love Watarun”). Heartbroken seme (c05 since uke’s going out with another guy, the guy he likes). Jealous uke (c05 when he thinks seme’s going out with a girl and acts like a jerk to everyone). Confession seme (c05 knowing uke is going out with the guy he likes he still chases after uke to confess). Uke confesses back (c05). Blowjob uke (c05 uke blows seme’s big dick). Intercrural sex (c05).

Scary And Tough Otoguro, In Love?!

Ongoing | Suiyoubi | 2022 released

Reading (read chapter ??). ? full penetrative sex scenes (???). SemePOV. Otoguro x Nanao Shiraha. High school students. Classmates. Delinquent x cutie. Badass seme. Yankee seme. Scary face seme. Adorable uke. Cute uke.

We'll Get Our Happy Ending

Complete | Jiro Kawaii | 2022 released

Reading (read chapter ?). 3 full penetrative sex scenes (first, 2nd & 3rd times all c03: 1st time from the back with seme lying on top pounding uke & 2nd in same session but after finishing first round seme wanted to do it again as he was still hard and fucked uke from the front & 3rd another day another session with seme pounding uke spread open all naked). This is actually quite good, I’ve skimmed all 3 available chapters lol (December 23, 2023). Soma x ??. Gay x bisexual. Younger seme x older uke.


Ongoing | Mikami Shino | 2022 released

UTD (read chapter 13). 1 full penetrative sex scenes (first time c13 naked sweet love making in bed sadly short). First kiss c04 when seme kisses uke and after rejection forcefully kisses uke. Deep confessions (c1 FINALLY!). I FUCKING LOVE THIS! This literally has all my kinks but poor seme though (the past trauma was bad). The cover does NOT do this work justice whatsoever plus seme’s much taller and bigger than uke but you can’t tell from the cover or even inserts! The sexual tension due to seme’s onesided desire for uke is FUCKING HOT!! Hetero sex seme (twice plus in the beginning when he’s about to get it on with a chick). Fuckboy seme with 2 girls one in the beginning about to fuck and another in that middle of the act. I just LOOOOVE how seme slowly tries to get closer to uke. This became a favourite “F+” just because of chapter 2 and seme’s sudden change in personality letting out his hidden desires for uke and makes it out to be a joke not to scare uke away! By chapters 5&6 it’s DEFINITELY “AF+”!!!! JESUS CHRIST THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST MADLY ANS DESPERATELY IN LOVE SEMES EVER! THOUGHTS: Okay that said, the first sex scene and from what I can see on Amazon.JP for sample of volume 3 which came out just ac few weeks ago December 1st, 2023 so hopefully Renta will release the licensed chapters soon (by the way I read this whole thing which had 13 chapters out in one sitting December 26, 2023 from early morning till evening), the sex scenes while super cute and full of sweetness are underwhelming with all the buildup that was setup what with seme’s sexual tension and “I’ll mess you up” and all I was really expecting a super pentup and horny seme to go nuts on uke but he just seems happy and relaxed which honestly isn’t what I was hoping for. I was hoping for some unrestrained tension and wild instincts I mean the guy was so damn pentup he has to unload on random chicks imagining he was violating uke and yet the sex scenes between our main couple fall flat of sexiness compared even to seme’s slut father being fucked by another seme. I mean they showed the cock going in and all while they never do here… Honestlt a letdown so I’m gonna have to reduce the rating I initially had from “AF+” to “F+” for that reason… Like don’t build us up so much to flop like a deflated balloon… I’m so happy that their feelings are mutual and seme’s feelings reached uke but what the hell happened to all that tension? Uke is so sexy and sensual how can seme stay sane in front of that and have normal vanilla sex?? As a fujoshi I feel a bit cheated :/ NOTES 2: OMG OMG I WAS ALLL WRONG ABOUT PREVIOUS CHAPTERS SEME WASN’T SEXUALLY ATTACKING UKE ALL THOSE TIMES DUE TO BASIC THINGS LIKE TRAUMAS OR TRIGGERS HE’S JUST SO MADLY IN LOVE WITH UKE AND UKE KEPT PROVOKING HIM AND HE ACTED ON HIS DESIRES!!!! AND ALL THOSE HETERO SEX SCENES WAS SEME RELEASING HIS PENT-UP DESIRE SO HE DIDN’T ATTACK UKE!!! NOTES: From what I gathered by chapter 4, seme is much more complex than the typical handsome BL playboy seme. We can figure out that seme has a complicated relationship with his mother. She deeply cares for him and misses him but it seems his father left his mother probably for another man as his distraught mother keeps saying “you won’t become like your father right?” to him which is why despite his mother telling seme to come visit home, he chooses to stay away from her instead opting to attend boarding school to be away from her. On top of that, seme clearly has unrequited feelings for uke which he probably feels guilty for due to his mother and so tries to deny them but can’t stay away from uke (who’s honestly too cute for his own good so we get it seme-kun!). Now it’s unclear till now if seme is repressing homosexuality in general (is he actually gay) which is why he keeps sleeping with girls left and right or if it’s just his feelings for uke in particular but either way he doesn’t want to disappoint his mother and so is struggling with that. OK! By chapter 5, it’s clear seme is trying to deny his feelings for UKE not gayness in general! That said seme’s trauma runs much deeper poor guy! Because, HOLY SHIT. The trauma seme endured as a child witnessing his slut uke father being fucked shamelessly by another man in an open car for all to see and calling out seme’s name after he saw his son (seme) saw him AND INSTEAD MOANING EVEN HARDER AS IN TAKING EVEN MORE PLEASURE FROM BEING SEEN AND TRAUMATISING HIS OWN SON like a bitch in heat letting himself get fucked mindless and poor seme coming in his pants from the shock… :( C01: I LOVE how the tables get turned! Confident cool seme who oozes sexual confidence too effortlessly teases uke for getting turn on while peeping when seme was fucking some chick and messes with uke and makes him come making uke feel humiliated yet seme is the one quietly escaping into a bathroom flustered and aroused beyond belief with a hard-on! C02: BUTTERFLIES IN MY GUT from how seme just worms his way into uke’s life and when uke lectures him with his easy-going careless troublemaker ways seme snaps. OH FUCK I GOT RHINOS STOMPING MY GUT OH SHIT FROM CAREFREE SEME REVEALING A DARK SIDE WHEN UKE CARELESSLY SAYS HE SHOULDN’T MESS AROUND AND GO FROM GIRL TO GIRL (saying that’s why the teachers consider him a troublemaker) AND SEME JUST SNAPS BANGS THE WALL SUDDENLY AND LOOKS AT UKE WITH A DANGEROUS AND SCARY BORED GAZE ASKING IF THAT MEANS UKE CAN TAKE THEIR PLACE THAT IF THAT MEANS SEME CAN DO WHATEVER HE WANTS TO UKE EVEN IF UKE CRIES AND TELLS HIM HE DOESN’T WANT IT THAT IT MIGHT BE ROUGH AND HURT AND WOULD MAKE HIM HATE SEME EVEN MORE THAT SEME WON’T STOP IF UKE CAN TAKE THAT THEN HE’LL CUT ALL TIES WITH ALL OTHER GIRLS AND UKE IS SHOCKED AND SEME SUDDENLY LAUGHS SAYING UKE TOOK THAT SERIOUSLY BUT FUCK THAT WAS SO FUCKING HOT BECAUSE YOU KNOW EASYGOING SEME MEANT EVERY WORD AND HE HAS THIS DARKER DESIRE FOR UKE HE HIDES UNDERNEATH HIS CAREFREE DEMEANOR FUCKKKK!!! SO FUCKING HOTTTTT!!! GODDD AND THE FAN TRANSLATION OF THAT SCENE WAS EVEN HOTTER I WANNA KNOW THE JAPANESE VERSION FFFFFCKKKK (it’ll hurt and it might be tough on you but I won’t stop)…. UGHHHHHHHH!!! C05: FUCKKKKKK THE RHINOSSS WERE TOMOING ALL OVER MY GUT AND LOINS FLUTTERING LIKE CRAZYYYYY DUE TO SEME’S LUST AND DESIRE FOR UKE AND SEXUAL TENSION AHHH!!!! OMGGGGG I NEARLY DIED FROM OVERLOAD OF SEXINESS HOLY SHIT! BACK IN C04 UKE SAID SOMETHING ABOUT SEME’S MOM BEING LONELY AFTER SHE HELPED UKE OUT BEING A BIT PREACHY WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT SEME’S GOING THROUGH WITH HIS MOTHER LIKE IMPLYING YOU SHOULD GO SEE HER OR SOMETHING WHICH TRIGGERS SEME AS HE’S DEALING WITH HIS OWN GUILT FOR HAVING GAY DESIRES FOR UKE DESPITE HIS MOTHER’S EMOTIONAL INSTABILITY REGARDING FATHER TURNING GAY AND SO SOMETHING INSIDE HIM SNAPS AND KISSES UKE BUT WHEN UKE SMACKS SEME TO STOP SEME THIS TIME FORCEFULLY KISSES UKE SOME MORE AND THRUSTS HIS TONGUE INSIDE DESPITE UKE’S RESISTANCE AND THE WAY HE LOSES CONTROL AND HIS LARGE HAND GROPES UKE’S NAKED ASS CHEEKS AND RUBS HIS HOLE LIKE HE’S LOST HIS MIND AND SCARES UKE UNTIL THE ONLY THING THAT SNAPS SEME OUT OF IT IS WHEN UKE BITES HIS TONGUE/LIP WHICH IF UKE HADN’T DONE THAT TO SNAP SEME OUT SEME WOULD HAVE PROBABLY ENDED UP RAPING UKE IN HIS PENT-UP DESIRE… BUT FUCKKKKKK THAT WAS HOT HOW SEME LOST CONTROL AND MADE ME THINK OF THAT SEXY WARNING HE GAVE UKE BACK IN C02 WHERE HE SAID HE WOULDN’T STOP EVEN IF IT HURT UKE… MY LOINS ARE ON FIYAHHHH!!!! AND THE WAY SEME HOLDS UKE LIKE IT’S HIS FEMALE THE WAY UKE RESISTS TRYING TO PUSH HIM AWAY AND HOLDING ONTO HIS SEXY MANLY SHOULDERS BUT SEME JUST WON’T BUDGE, SEME SIMPLY LOSING HIS MIND WITH LUST FOR UKE JUST EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS CHAPTER WAS SO CRAZY HOT!!!!! [CONT] AND FUCK HETERO SEX SEME AGAIN WITH TWO CHICKS MAKING THEM WEAR THE SAME TYPE OF PAJAMAS UKE WORE AT HIS HOUSE IN C04 AND HAVING THEM HAVE BLACK HAIR LIKE UKE AND COMING IMAGINING THE ONE HE’S FUCKING IS UKE UNFHHH!! And then throwing up after talking to his mother on the phone both from the guilt and fucking people that weren’t uke… [CONT] HOLY FUCK NOW WE GET A FLASHBACK INTO SEME’S CHILDHOOD AND GET TO KNOW WHAT TRAUMATISED SEME AND HIS MOTHER (I WAS PRETTY MUCH SPOT ON EXCEPT HAD NO IDEA IT WAS MUCH WORSE…) AND FUCK POOR SEME… HE WAS SUCH A CAREFREE HAPPY INNOCENT CHILD BUT HIS BITCH SLUT FATHER RUINED EVERYTHING… I FEEL *REALLY* BAD FOR SEME HE WAS SO INNOCENT POOR KID… SEME CAUGHT HIS SLUTTY BITCH WHORE FATHER BEING FUCKED IN PUBLIC BY ANOTHER MAN AND THE WHORE BITCH FATHER MOANED HARDER LIKE A PROSTITUTE AFTER BEING SEEN BY HIS OWN TRAUMATISED SON AND THE SIGHT OF A COCK SPEARING HIS FATHER’S HOLE SHOCKED SEME BUT WORSE HE REALISED HE CAME FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HIS LIFE IN HIS TROUSERS AFTER SEEING THAT HE HATED HIMSELF FOR WANTING TO DO IT TOO… POOR POOR SEME… C06: Story of how seme fell in love with uke. AND OMG THIS WHOLE CHAPTER MADE MT HEART SKIP A BEAT AND MT GUT WRENCH WITH BUTTERFLIES AND RHINOS OMGGGG! So anyway, seme was so traumatised by what happened that he basically fucked his way straight after that one unmentionable incident with his whore father and thereafter was only sexually attracted to girls UNTIL UKE CAME ALONG AND RUINED HIM FOR OTHERS… IT WENT FROM CURIOSITY TO HOPELESSLY FALLING IN LOVE AND LUST AND ALMOST BECOMING A STALKER JUST TO BE NEAR UKE! At first he was curious about the guy who kept placing second and when he frivolously tried to chat him up, uke shot him down cold and then he was annoyed but after seeing uke cry, he started getting more interested. One day he overheard uke somewhat defending himself saying seme is only human and people should want to approach him normally instead of trying to get something out of seme and while seme knew uke’s just a righteous goody two shoes and was just talking idealistically, it still made him cry and then his keen interest became obsession and did nice things for uke anonymously like giving him vegetable drinks since uke was barely having enough money to eat. His obsession became POSSESSIVENESS IN THIS ONE HOT SCENE WHERE SEME IS WATCHING UKE LAUGH FREELY AND BEING PATTED BY A MALE FRIEND AND SEME THINKS “DON’T TOUCH HIM” and REALISES HIS POSSESSIVENESS BECAME TERRIFYING AS A CASCADE OF POSSESSIVE THOUGHTS WANTING UKE TO MONOPOLISE UKE AND VIOLATE HIM “I WANT TO RAVISH HIM - I WANT TO MAKE A MESS OF HIM - I WANT TO BREAK HIM - I DON’T WANT HIM TO BELONG TO ANYONE ELSE - I WANNA KEEP HIM HIDDEN SO ONLY I CAN SEE HIM - I DON’T WANT ANYONE ELSE TO SEE HIM CRY BUT ME - I DON’T WANT HIM TO SMILE FOR ANYONE ELSE - ETC” FUCKKKKKKK SEME YOU GOT IT BAD!! YOU PRACTICALLY A STALKER NOW YOU HANDSOME BOY! SEMESOINLUST SEMESODESPERATELYINLOVE!!!! SO HOTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!! FOR THAT REASON OF BECOMING OBSESSIVELY DESPERATE FOR UKE SEME NEVER PLANNED ON GETTING INVOLVED WITH UKE FOR HIS OWN SAFETY. C08: SEME IS MAKING ME LOSE MY MIND WITH FANGIRL FEELS AND RHINOS STOMPING MY GUT ALL OVER THE PLACE AND MAKING MY HEART SKIP A MILLION BEATS… BECAUSE. OUR HIGH SPEC FRIVOLOUS EASYGOING CAREFREE SEME WHO’S NEVER CONFRONTATIONAL AND LETS PEOPLE DO AND SAY AS THEY PLEASE LOSES HIS COMPLETE SHIT AND UNLEASHES MURDEROUS CARNAGE ALMOST KILLING SOME OF HIS SO-CALLED FRIENDS (MORE LIKE SYCOPHANTS) FOR BAD-MOUTHING UKE (FOR BEING POOR) AND DEFENDING HIS BELOVED’S HONOR… HE PUNCHED AND SLASHED THEM BLOODY WITH GLASS SHARDS AND CAUSED ABSOLUTE MAYHEM IN THE SCHOOL CAFETERIA AND WORRIED UKE WITNESSES AS SEME STANDS THERE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CARNAGE A BLOODY MESS AND WARNS “YOU LITTLE SHITS” NEVER TO SPEAK OR UTTER UKE’S NAME AND NEVER RUN THEIR MOUTHS ABOUT UKE AND TO STAY AWAY FROM HIM AND KEEP HIS NAME OUT OF THEIR FILTHY MOUTHS UGH AND HIS KILLING INTENT IS CRAZY AND HE JUST RUINED HIS (FUN EASYGOING) REPUTATION FOREVER WITH HIS GANG LIKE OMG HE DOESN’T EVEN CARE WHEN IT COMES TO HIS UKE LIKE THIS SEME WILL KILL ME INSTEAD *FANS SELF DESPERATELY* C09: Seme’s mother basically reveals seme’s feelings of intense love for uke as she caught on since she’d never seen her son make such a tender expression that time seme and uke took a taxi from his house back to school back in C03 (or C04 I forget). Geez, seme’s mom basically did the confession lol. And his mother realises that all those times he never came home for any holiday is because uke was always there was he loves far and can only afford to go home during summer holiday. C10: This chapter literally made me tear up and cry… because everything seme did was for uke… And uke remembers all the little hints of how much seme loved him and cared for him and UKE FINALLY REALISES!! OMGGGG WE REALISE HOW DEEPLY AND MADLY IN LOVE WITH UKE SEME HAS BEEN ALLLL THIS TIME OMGGGG AND UKE US REALIZING IT TOO! SEME’S WHOLE WORLD IS UKE… UKE EVEN FOUND A NOTEBOOK IN WHICH SEME NEVER TOOK NOTES BUT ALL THAT’S WRITTEN IN IT IS THE WORDS “YANO IS ALL I NEED.” WITH PEN SCRATCHES TO COVER IT UP! AND UKE LOVES SEME TOO AND RUNS TO HIM WHEN HE REALISES ALL THE SIGNS OF HOW DEEPLY SEME HAS ALWAYS LOVED UKE I AM CRYINGGGGGGGGGG!!! UKE RUNS TO SEME ANS HUGS HIM THINKING HE WANTS TO TREASURE SEME ABOVE ALL ELSE THANK GODDDDDD!!! THEIR FEELINGS ARE FINALLY MUTUAL!! SEME YOU HAVE ENDURED SO MUCHHH YOUR UKE IS YOURS NOW ENJOYYY!!!! C10: FINALLY MUTUAL DEEP CONFESSIONS (but as expected SEME IS INTENSE AND SO FULL OF INTENSE DEEP LOVE AND DESIRE AND UKE’S IS JUST SO SWEET!!). This goes beyond the regular “I like you” confessions! Seme’s is literally “I don’t care about anyone or myself. I don’t care about anything other than you.” OOOOF AND HE SAYS THIS WITH THE MOST SOMBER EXPRESSION THAT FORSHADOWS LIVES COULD BE LOST OR TAKEN FOR THIS LOVE JUST SHITTTTTT HE WOULD DIE IF UKE’S NOT IN HIS LIFE… GUHHH!! And seme throws in a casual proposal saying this won’t end after high school ends, and basically warning uke that he’s stuck with him as he won’t let uke leave him if uke ever finds someone else… And the sexual tension is so HOTTT and UKE FEELING THINGS UGHHH AND SEME HOLDING BACK SAYING ALL HE WANTS TO DO WITH MAKE A MESS OF UKE UGHHH SemePOV (c05-06 (some sight before that)). Odajima Sono x Yano Hisaya. High school students. Boarding school. 2nd years. Dormitory. Roommates. Smart x hard worker. 1st x 2nd rank. Natural genius x super studious. Prodigy x scholarship student. Carefree x majime. Straight x uke. Red hair x black hair. Gorgeous seme. Handsome seme. Cool seme. Ikemen seme. Popular seme (ladies). Tall seme. High spec seme. Athletic seme. Good in sports seme. Rich seme. Rich upbringing seme. Effortlessly easy life (talented, sports come easily, smart, handsome and rich). Cybergenics seme. Earrings seme (studs on each side). Playboy seme. Fuckboy seme. Fickle seme. Frivolous seme. Untouchable seme. Boyishly manly seme. Broad shoulders seme. School topper seme despite never studying. Seme was always who excelled in sports and academics even without trying. Easy going seme. Blushing seme (only in secret when uke’s not looking like c04 hehe he recalls uke asleep leaning on his shoulder in the car). Unrequited love seme. Deep unrequited love seme. Onesided love seme. Forceful seme (c01,05 (this was was HOT AF!)). Hard-working uke. Sister complex uke. Serious uke. Hetero sex seme (c01 seme is vigorously fucking a chick with her legs spread wide with seme holding them wide apart showing her partial pussy pubes and big tits out; c05 fucking two girls with most tits out and fucking one spread legs; c06 attempted by failed). Erection seme (c01 from recalling uke’s sexy face when he messed with him). Tenting trousers seme (c01 remembering uke). Flustered seme (c01 about how turned on he got). Slapped seme (c02 by girls). Aggressive seme (c05 forcefully kisses uke despite uke resisting). Slapped seme uke edition (c05 smacked for kissing uke without warning but undeterred seme forcefully kisses him again after a pained expression SO HOT). Ass groping seme (c05 his large hand squeezing uke’s cheek and his finger down uke’s crack and implied rubbing his hole). Kabedon seme (c05 when uke rejects seme’s lustful advances by biting seme). Seme losing his mind with lust and desire for uke (c05). Obsessive seme (c05). Seme always watching uke secretly (c06). Stalker seme (c06 almost on how he changes his plans to make sure he’s alone in the dorms with uke). Intense Confession seme (c10 with “I don’t care about anything other than you”). Uke reply confession (c10 “you’re the only one who makes me feel this way” aww).

Mukai no Heya no Neko

Ongoing | Coco aino | 2019 released

Reading (read chapter ?). ? full penetrative sex scenes (???). Shima Kouki x Mitsuhara Yuki. College students. College dorms. Dorm mates. Straight x uke. Black hair x light hair. Megane uke. Handsome seme. Gorgeous seme. Tall seme. Playboy seme. Unrequited love uke.

Ano Hi no Kiss wo Mou Ichido

Complete | NANATO Nana | 2023 released

Reading (read chapter ?). ? full penetrative sex scenes (???). Hiroya Kaito x Miho. Ex-high school classmates. Onesided crush uke.

Osananajimi ja Gaman Dekinai

Complete | Momose An | 2000 released
2021-09-10 12:51 marked

Reading (read chapter ?). ? full penetrative sex scenes (???). Ryouta x Aoi. College students. Childhood friends. Handsome seme. Confession seme (c01).

Off Stage Love Side

Complete | Ohshima kamome | 2022 released
2024-02-08 05:03 marked

Reading (read chapter ?). ? full penetrative sex scenes (???). Skimmed 2 chapters and THIS IS GOOD!! Nakazaki Tomoya x Endou Keisuke. Bodyguard x idol. Reencounter. Gay x gay. Older seme x younger uke. ?? x 22. Gorgeous seme. Manly seme. Big seme. Tall seme.