david_holmes's manga / #Dark(16)

Tourou No Ori

Ongoing | psyche delico | 2014 released

Reading (read chapter ?). 13 full penetrative sex scenes by end chapter 22 (11th-13th c20 (as did for really long time in loads different positions start implied coming so counted them as different but technically 11th time; +2 very explicit penetrative sex scene with other men (1 in chapter 19 a threesome with main seme and another handsome seme type who’s in love with uke’s older brother and who fucked uke violently in desperation of his own lust for the uke he loves but was so consumed with lust for sexy uke; 1 with another ugly old man who had beads on his dick; +1 not fully shown but implied; 8th spanned chapters 15-16 and was very long and explicit (immediately following uke being whored out to ugly old man); 7th spanned chapters 13-14; 3rd was split into 2 chapters (12-13);chapter 13 had multiple sex scenes; first time chapter 10; lots of fingering before that). Super porny. LOTS of sex. Rimming (c11). Scat mention (see below). SemePOV. Miyama Norihiko x Touma Ikuro. Servant x master. Do S seme. Older seme x younger uke. 32 x 22. 178cm x ??. Hetero sex seme (with uke’s mother). Hetero fingering. Handsome seme (unconventional). Manly seme. Popular seme. Cunning seme. Dark seme. Obsessed seme. Twisted seme. Madly in lust seme. Deep unrequited love seme (before it became mutual). All about uke seme. Seme who says I love over and over again. Confession seme. Extremely possessive seme. Slapped seme (by uke for overstepping). “Xx-sama” seme. Foot licking seme. Big dick seme. Rimming (chapter 11). Whoa… scat mention. Seme is fine with a scat and eating uke’s feces (coprophagia) if uke defecates in front of him… wow… that’s a first.

Kuroe And The Garden Of Feminine Pleasures

Ongoing | Chifuyu | 2000 released

UTD (read chapter 6). 4 full penetrative sex scenes (tons implied as implied seme has been beasting on uke every single day for hours). Some SemePOV for his family extremely possessive obsessive and sadistic thoughts but SHIT IT’S HOT. Horrible childhood seme with child abuse with horrible young mother who neglected him to the point he could have easily died but survived somehow. Uke/SemePOV. Hojuro Kuroe x Sonogi Eda. Host club. Hosts. Top host x bartender. Older seme x younger uke. 26 x 20. Straight x straight. Bully x target. Blackmail. Master x slave. Hermaphrodite uke. Genderbender uke. Vagina uke. Do S x M. Gorgeous seme. Handsome seme. Stunning seme (in manga world). Tall seme. 6’1. Neck mole seme. Yandere seme. Womaniser seme. Elite seme. “Cybergenics seme” but in fact just self-taught. Sadist seme. Do S seme. Bully seme. Sex beast seme. Pervert seme. Perverted seme. Psycho seme who’s never known family and love. Extremely possessive seme. Wild jealous seme. Seme who’s alone with no family so doesn’t care. Crazy seme. Cute uke. Pink-haired uke. “Punk uke”. Ex-delinquent uke (honestly he’s too cute to be anything like a delinquent). Sad backstory uke (lost his only parent and loving mother at 19 a year ago). Sad backstory seme (rather, horrible backstory seme; tragic past seme; tragic childhood seme; mother had seme at 16, and was not only neglected completely as a child and left for weeks while he was a toddler but abused physically, psychologically, verbally and emotionally by that horribly cruel disgusting bitch; child abuse seme). Cruel mother (seme’s). His horrible mother finally left him when seme was 7 never came back so he grew up in an orphanage until 18 and has been completely damaged by her. Damaged seme. No wonder seme is so warped and doesn’t care about anything. Evil seme; psycho seme; torture seme; twisted seme; dark seme (see below paragraph). Cunnilingus (c02). Pussy eating seme (to uke). Fucktalking seme. Dirty talking seme about making uke a mommy (impregnating uke). Seme wanting to impregnate his uke. Fear of unplanned pregnancy. Menstruation seme. Menstruating uke. Period blood uke. Seme fucked uke raw and came inside him over and over for hours all night and morning their first time. Crazy Yandere seme who’s happy that uke looks pale thinking it’s because he came so much inside uke that his “spermies” have having a field day swimming inside uke’s body and how he wants to use a microscope and watch and “sorry my spermies are such bad boys*heart*”, haha. Chapter 5: Seme’s terrifying cruel true colours and dark nature come out when he accidentally finds the guy who drugged uke with the drug that gives men a temporary vagina and who meant to rape uke and it drives seme so insane that he tortures the guy ripping off his earrings besides beating the guy black and blue. The guy was bad news as he’s a rapist but he enjoys torturing the guy. He says it’s too cliché to gouge out his eyes or rip his nails so he says he should give the same drug and film perp bring gangbanged and post it online. Seme says the idea will make him cum. Horrified uke says to stop torturing the guy so seme compromises and makes uke have sex with seme in front of the perp. Exhibitionist sex with twisted seme fucking uke spreading uke wide while he rams his cock into uke right in front of rapist’s face (the one who didn’t get a chance to rape uke). Chapter 6: So sweet and fluffy and no sex! Seme breaks up with uke thinking he can’t taint him but they’re still working at the same place and uke can’t bear to see him being sweet to his female customers anymore as he’s in love with seme and quits and seme goes nuts and chases after uke. They reveal their mutual feelings and seme quits and they’re just so in love. Seme has met uke before as a child as uke’s mother was the o my adult kind to him, his neighbour. So reunion and reencounter as well.

Itou-san (KURAKA Sui)

Complete | KURAKA Sui | 2015 released

Reading (read chapter 6). 4 full penetrative sex scenes by chapter 7.7 (+3 penetrative sex scenes with others uke including threesomes). 2x Rimming (c04 & c7.5). Chapter 7 is different couple and story picks up from 7.5 again. I don’t that they had to separate so don’t like this story as much. I do love that seme in deeply in love with uke and uke is as well. Itou x Kyousuke. Assassin x prostitute. Older seme x younger uke. Super tall seme. Major height difference. Sex with others uke. Fucked by others uke. 2x Rimming (c04 & 7.5). Uke gets his arsehole licked and eaten by seme before getting fucked for first time.

Kusatta Rasen

Complete | ogawa chise | 2000 released

Read. Kanai Shuu x ??. Incest. Father x son. Top actor x high school student. Older seme x young uke (younger uke). Twisted. Dark. Violent. Psychological. Barebacking. Raw sex. Anal creampie.

Ibitsu no Kakera

Complete | OGAWA Chise | 2014 released

Read. 1 full penetrative sex scene. I feel so bad for the poor younger brother. He’s madly deeply in unrequited love and lust with his cruel big brother Niisan. I honestly wish there was more of this couple to know what happens afterwards. ?? x Misaki. Slave x master. Slave x Queen. Younger brother x older brother. Megane-kun uke. Handsome seme. Tall seme. Cool seme. Smart seme. Natural prodigy seme. Slave to his Queen uke seme. Queen uke. Mistress uke. Masturbating seme (secretly watching naked uke take a shower). Cruel uke. Sadistic uke.

The Inheritance of Aroma

Complete | NAKAMURA Asumiko | 2008 released

Reading (read chapter ?). 2 full penetrative sex scenes in first chapter. SemePOV. Takezou x Shinobu. Seme was also sexually molested by a pedophile while masturbating to his brother’s bed sheets smell. Rimming fantasy (of uke on seme when seme was a child masturbating).

Killing Stalking

Complete | koogi | 2016 released

Reading (read chapter 30). ? full penetrative sex scenes (???).


Complete | Harada | 2000 released

Read (totally skimmed). Extremely explicit x-ray wet stringy innies with detailed hard hentai cocks. SemePOV. Love triangle between 3 childhood friends. Extremely explicit. X-ray innies. Very vivid and hentai like x-ray wet stringy innies. Very detailed cocks and asshole. Desperate seme. Jealous rape. Jealous seme. Possessive seme. Jealous sex. Uke has an unrequited love for a best friend while seme childhood friend has had an unrequired love for uke. Uke gets rejected and seme fills in the gap. But the reason uke was rejected is because seme manipulated the situation calling fags gross to that best friend so he’d be brainwashed to reject uke’s confession. All so very desperate seme could have uke all to himself. Desperate sex seme.

Color Recipe

Complete | Harada | 2015 released

Reading (read chapter ?). Fukusuke x Shoukichi. Hair stylists. Social butterfly x antisocial. Yandere seme. Tsundere uke. Masturbating seme (to uke’s sleeping form). Stalker seme. Possessive seme.


Complete | TAN | 2000 released

UTD (read chapter 77+extra/ read 48 mature). 7 full penetrative sex scenes (7th (c74-75); 5th & 6th (c56-58) same session but their condom rips from SEME’S VIGOROUS LOVE MAKING and do it BAREBACK -> WAITING FOR MATURE VERSION OF THIS; 4th (car sex mature version c43-44) was SO HOTTTTTT; 3rd (c27-28) was FCKIN HOT GOD THESE TWO HOLY SCORCHING HELL and implied they did it at least 3x by the used condoms; 1st&2nd was basically the same session but shown at two different times in story; 1st is prologue that starts with sex scene that will happen in their first reunion in c06 as a flash forward so I still counted it as 2; first time is a very long various position feel-good rape starting chapter 5 (fingering and c06 is the penetration where seme fucks uke from behind) but dare I say it It’s HOT because persistent uke is provoking and chasing seme so much and usually bored disinterested seme gives back). Battle for dominance relationship. I don’t know but it’s hot that seme fucks uke even though uke resists when seme’s supposed to be this perfect infallible alpha type because in a way, uke won having him want to take uke that much. Plus while he doesn’t recognise uke, he says he’s into prim and proper guys like uke and that it’s been a while since he met one again so he’s turned on (he’s basically high school uke so that means he was attracted to uke back then kyaah!). Though the whole art studio students were victims to this borderline pedophile OLD SICK FCK who raped, sexually abused and tortured him; thankfully seme was just doted on psycho-sexually but nothing ever happened with him. That nasty old guy was depraved pervert but seme wasn’t sexually assaulted, phew, but he was basically that nasty pedophile’s muse. Anyway, UPDATE PLEASE!!! I WANT MORE!! I’ve already read all 62 chapters in 2 days of no-sleep binge reading! UPDATE: THANK GOD FOR THE MATURE VERSION where they ACTUALLY SHOW THE SEX SCENES PROPERLY. It’s coming out too slow but at least it’s coming out and they’re at chapter 43 as per March 10, 2022. RANT: I’m really sick of this obsessed uke. Sure he’s got a spine to literally EVERYTHING that isn’t seme (to the point he’s annoyingly ungrateful towards others and has no personality of his own without seme). But by c73, I’m SO FED UP of his singular obsession that is so creepy and he just won’t take no for an answer when seme says it’s over. Uke’s like a crazy ex who doesn’t know when to give up and while will remain expressionless instead of crying and begging, he basically does the same and keeps throwing himself shamelessly at seme. Even though seme wants to break it off because he’s too worried about uke always putting himself in danger because of seme’s issues and doesn’t want to be the cause of uke being in more pain or danger and that uke thinks he can take it, at this point I’m thoroughly weirded out (and intensely annoyed) by the fact that uke thinks he owns seme and won’t let seme break it (whatever relationship sexual and all) off with him. It’s not as sick and disgusting but just as creepy as that disgusting old pervert who is delusional and thinks seme belongs to him. Uke also lives in his own delusions that seme belongs to him and won’t let him escape his clutches. They’re both perverts for seme and think they know best and IT IS GRATING ON MY NERVES THAT UKE IS SO ONE DIMENSIONAL ABOUT IT. Maybe it was author’s intent to portray how seme is just like that sick pervert in wanting to possess and basically OWN as in FORCEFULLY TAKE OWNERSHIP of seme regardless of whether seme wants it or them to begin. Sick of this uke. I wanted him to play games and for once MAKE seme want and need UKE, for a chance. I thought he was so smart. He’s not using his head AT ALL. Maybe since author created super smart MCs, wouldn’t it have been so much more interesting, intense and sexy to have two super smart characters try to trap each other using their brains?! Oh well. Anyway, I truly hope uke will grow some real balls and make seme NEED AND FOLLOW HIM for once! Jung Eunsung x Lee Soohyun. Artist x salaryman. Artist x reporter. Reunion. First x second place. Handsome x plain. 29 x 30. Younger seme x older uke (same age). Sub x dom. Dog x master. Slave x Queen. Top student seme. Naturally gifted seme. Talented seme. Born genius seme. Handsome seme. Tall seme. 187cm x ??. Manly seme. Broad shoulders seme. Athletic seme. Good athlete seme. Cybergenics seme. Perfect seme. Rich seme. Rich family seme. High specs seme. Under eye mole seme (right). Popular seme. Artistically inclined seme. Art talent seme (on top of it all he’s an amazing artist, lol). Centre of attention seme. Earrings seme. Intelligent seme. Smart seme. Good looks and good grades seme. Bored seme. Dispassionate seme. Disinterested seme. Second place uke. Megane-kun uke. Bland uke. Expressionless uke. Envious uke. Obsessed uke. Inferiority complex uke. Extremely vindictive uke (quitting your steady office job just to see your high school (onesided) rival from 10 years ago fail at something (embroiled in a scandal) and become a reporter just to stalk him legally, wow). Spiteful uke (for constantly being compared to seme and being second place even though he studied much more). Stalker uke. Onesided rivalry uke. Self-entitled uke. Inconsiderate uke. High handed uke. Prissy uke. Queen uke. Diva uke. Demanding uke. Unreasonable MF uke (seme literally offers himself on a platter saying uke can make a mess of him and make him cry and beg which is exactly what uke wants, if uke rides him hard and fucks him rough yet this stupid uke just keeps yapping his stupid mouth off and not taking this chance). Uke too thrilled and excited at the downfall of perfect seme. Extremely possessive uke. Barebacking (first time). Powerplay relationship where uke and seme battle for dominance (SO HOT). Erection seme (c41 mature). Tenting trousers seme (c41 mature). Chapter 15 reveals that seme knew exactly who uke is all this time “wear your glasses next time, like you used to, Soohyun.” By the way, there is a SICK FUCK in here, that world-renowned famous painter that seme was working under sexually tortures all his pupils and protégés, extreme BDSM. Chapter 30, we get SemePOV of what happened with that nasty depraved artist / Art teacher and how he ended up in art when he was just minding his own business as a business student.