david_holmes's manga / #Abusive Parents(1)

Oni to Tengoku

Complete | Aga naomi,Oyoshikawa kyouko | 2000 released

Reading (read chapter v3c01). 7 full penetrative sex scenes (first time c03 rape with bound and restrained uke infirmary; 2nd c04 bound in public toilet against door; 3rd v2c1 infirmary handcuffed and gagged and bitten; 4th c08 jealous sex possessively fucking uke and choking; 5th c11 mutual love (finally) lovemaking with feverish sick seme and uke on top (mentioned did 3x without pulling out damn seme!); 6th c12 HOTTTT FUCK FROM BEHIND AND first time FULLY NAKED SEX (both are naked but it’s first time for seme to not be fully clothed and he’s totally naked to boot!) with smitten desperate seme overwhelmed and biting uke all over (shown they had a first round before as they were just finished and seme wanted to do it again and then afterwards did it again so 3x at least); 7th v3c1 naked sex in bed uke spread with seme’s elbows holding uke’s knees wide; c05 messing around in a public park; c01 seme molesting uke with bondage, pain and blowjob). When I first read this, I thought this was an “oyaji uke” because uke-san was wrinkled and looked much older, but it seems I was mistaken, he’s actually around 40. Uke has major bags saved wrinkles so maybe the author made him look much older on purpose. It’s a weird thing to notice but I love seme’s large slender feet in his slip-on shoes, like nice big feet seme or nice feet shape in shoes seme. IMPORTANT: From chapter 8 (volume 2), chapters are numbered one chapter ahead so chapter 8 is really chapter 7, c09 is chapter 8, etc. C12: OMG THIS DOES A TOTAL 180 AFTER MUTUAL FEELINGS I MEAN IT’S SO F CUTE WITH A TORALLY WHIPPED SMITTEN CLINGY MADLY IN LOVE DESPERATE SEME OMGGGG!!!! I LOOOOOOVE IT!!! He went from cool arrogant psycho and mildly sociopathic violent nonchalant flippant seme to madly in love don’t let me go baby I love you so deep seme but his change was not forced but gradual and he really changed when he realised and admitted his own feelings; it’s like a dam broke free. Also, he’s never in his life been in love before or dated anyone so ALL this is new and it’s is FIRST TIME so when you think about how composed and shrewd he was about others, it’s because he’s super observant but bad with his own feelings ans uke opened that for him. When you think about it, maybe seme was always in love with uke because he’s the one who freely said he’d been watching uke for a long time before they even spoke and forced himself on uke chasing after uke aggressively even if just to toy with uke. RANT C11: I’m REALLY PISSED but also MIXED FEELINGS about this chap. PISSED ABOUT: Seme inviting uke rival, Hatano Yuuma-sensei (seme’s ex-student-cum-teacher (new colleague) who’s still in love with seme all these years later), to his house for sex when seme hasn’t even invited uke to his house yet forget for sex (*FUMING*) but MOLLIFIED because while seme *does* kiss this uke rival (GRRRRR) and tries to bed him (CHEATING SEME *GRR*), all he does is keep talking about uke like everything reminds him of uke (like you don’t smell like cigarettes (uke) or “oh your body is thin unlike that guy”) and he can’t go through with it saying it’s not “fun” and how it’s not fun doing it with uke lately either (as he’s in denial about being in love) and MAINLY because this scene is when uke rival makes seme realises his FEELINGS FOR UKE. That’s why I’m not pulling my hair out in frustration or abandoning this series. And after that FINALLY CONFESSION SEME!!!! He gets it that stupid sociopathic BAKAAA!!! NOTES: I think the moment I might really start to enjoy this is if (or hopefully when) the seme who’s all in control al the time starts to lose his composure and facade of nonchalance. Like clearly he’s a pervert who enjoys inflicting pain and discomfort on uke with the various expressions uke makes but he always makes light of things and kind of turns everything into a joke or a trivial thing even when he says he’s hurt when uke ignored him (c03) so that’s why I want him to actually lose his cool for or because of uke. C03, seme still just thinks of uke as a toy as he wants to do it as long as it’s fun, seme is anti-love and thinks it’s stupid and unnecessary. V2C1: It’s clear by the way Seme contradicts himself with uke that uke means something more as he unconsciously likened uke to a puppy he once had that ran away when he freed its leash; when uke points out that seme actually cared about the dog in his own way, seme fiercely hugs uke, bites him possessively (something we find out he only does to things he likes even that said puppy!) then says uke makes him want to chain him (like the dog he loved so much that ran away when unleashed). C08: Seme loses his composure (see below). C09: Seme reveals he’s not strictly gay as he doesn’t have a particular preference and he’s had female partners but he ends up with men more because his sadism hobby requires his partners to be stronger and have more stamina so by default it’s men: kicking, choking, strangling, biting (uke only), tying up, dislocating shoulder, arm twisting, etc (he’s very violent after all)… C10: UKE SLAPS SEME YES! As seme kisses that other new teacher (seme’s ex-student who’s in love with seme) when he cries saying seme never kissed him but kissed uke and uke gets pissed seeing heartless seme kiss and say cold things like kisses mean nothing, take that psycho pervert seme! C08: SEXY SEXY SEXY HOTTT CHAPTER when seme becomes super jealous and possessive of uke when this new younger teacher tries to take care of uke when he collapses and seme possessively and territorially rips uke from that guy’s grasp like don’t touch and angrily slams uke into the infirmary bed and goes crazy saying how he hates that someone casually touched what he found, that uke is his and screams it several times and hugs uke and then fucks him into the mattress. I added the “HOT” after C08 tag after seme desperately forcefully fucks uke out of jealousy and possessiveness saying it’s punishment when uke says it hurts when seme bites uke and thrusts violently and relentlessly saying it’s uke’s punishment for letting himself get touched by someone else (GOT BUTTERFLIES IN MY TUMMY!) and then chokes uke with a belt collar… Seme is SO ANGRY (POSSESSIVE OF UKE). C10: Seme’s estranged Big brother Yutaka shows up to the school and immediately recognises the bite mark on uke’s neck to be seme’s and says that he’s happy seme has found a steady lover as seme only bites the things he likes, a habit since childhood. Uke denies saying they’re more like playmates since he knows seme is only playing with him despite uke’s serious feelings and the big bro says that’s not true and that seme just has a hard time showing affection. Big bro says it’s his fault for why seme is the way he is. Coming from reputed medics family, it seems big bro was a stand-in for their parents as they were too busy to be there for their kids and the brothers used to be extremely close with Yutaka doting on seme. But seme who was talented in everything started getting more attention from their parents and kept excelling in studies and got into a prestigious middle school where big bro failed to get in and so big bro resented seme and said some horrible things like he hates him and wishes he didn’t exist. Seme became warped after that (though he already had sadistic tendencies even as an innocent child loving torture stories for bedtime (fave being wheel torture-_-)) and said love is and illusion and all that matters is getting what you want and even slept with uke’s boyfriend (he’s also gay by the way, seems everyone is gay in this haha) to prove it. Seme stole all of his big bro’s (uke) lovers since middle school and they were all tops who were big and manly and even 100% ultra tops (baritachi) and seme topped ALL of those tops without exception and they fell madly in love with him, my god so seme is the uke x seme looking NATURAL ULTRA MEGA ALPHA TOP BY INSTINCT, lol. Anyway, big bro says he’s finally found a partner who loves him for him and so are getting married outside of Japan so wanted to see seme before he left but seme disapproves of their marriage. Uke realises in all this that seme looks down on love because he’s in love with the one person he will never get, his big brother. C11: Seme’s big bro Yutaka (uke) thinks it’s the first time seme has ever bitten a person before, all the things he loves the most he bites like plushies, anatomy books, blanket and even a real puppy he used to love but puppy was terrified of him (lol). Seme doesn’t realise he’s in love with uke. Tengoku Manabu x Aoki Atsurou. High school teachers. School Nurse x teacher. Gay x straight. Younger seme x older uke. 32 x 36. Ultra top x straight. Sadist x masochist. S x M. Do S x M. Pisces x Aries. Handsome x plain. Handsome seme. Clean cut seme. Tall seme. Flirty seme. Popular seme. Prince-like seme. Delicate looking seme (but super strong and aggressive). Uke-type seme kinda (just face as he’s pretty tall). Sexy big feet seme (bigger than other people shoes). Neck mole seme (right). Cheerful seme with darkness inside. Do S seme. Yandere seme. Forceful seme. Strong seme. Manipulative seme. Rich seme. Bully seme (to uke). Psycho seme (borderline). Wicked seme. Aggressive seme. Forceful seme. Sexual harassment seme. Pervert seme. Blackmail seme (always using his recordings of uke too lightly threaten uke into doing something uke doesn’t want it get closer to uke like get his phone number, etc). Seme’s who likes to toy with people (especially uke). Seme who wants to have fun with people and things. Brother complex seme. Brocon seme. Prestigious medical family seme. Smart Seme who had super bright future as doctor but stopped after big bro said those cruel things. Oyaji looking uke. Wrinkled uke. Weary uke. Half-assed uke. Unmotivated uke. Respected teachers family uke. Smoker uke. Masochist uke. Uke who gets turned on by pain (involuntarily due to past trauma). Traumatic childhood uke (abusive mother who tied and beat him when he didn’t perform at school). Impotent uke (so traumatised by what his mother did he can’t get it up with women). Hairy legs uke. Condom sex (c03,12). Jealous uke (c04 but in denial; c08 very obvious). Uke starts to fall for pervert psycho seme (c04). Jealous seme (c08 with arrival of new young Idol looking teacher becoming too close to uke and seme showing unique signs of jealousy like getting migraines and not understanding why). Migraines brought on by jealousy seme (c08 seme says he’s been having bad migraines lately (since new teacher came and stole uke’s attention precisely) when questioned what’s wrong with seme lately as he doesn’t seem himself). SUPER POSSESSIVE SEME (c08 when uke is held by above new teacher as uke collapses and seme possessively tips uke away and holds him possessively in his embrace and angrily possessively fucks uke). UNFFFF!! Jealous sex seme (c08). Possessive sex seme (c08). Uke gradually falls in love first. Unrequited love uke. Slapped seme (c10). Confession seme (c11). Seme who says “I love you” over and over and over again during sex as well as uke’s first name (c12). Insatiable seme (c12). POST MUTUAL FEELINGS (C11+): Surprisingly needy seme (c12 always wanting uke’s attention). Very Jealous seme (c12). Clingy seme (c12). Desperate seme. Desperately in love seme. I love you seme. Kansaiben uke (c12). Sex beast seme (c12). Sex stamina seme (c12 can go again and again without pulling out or losing his erection). GUHH THE FACE SEME MAKES IS A MAN DEEPLY IN LOVE AND SO DESPERATE FOR HIS UKE UGHHH. First name calling curing sex seme (c12). Sexy body seme (c12 now that we finally get to see him naked he’s really fit!). That position where he’s fucking uke from behind lying belly on bed and seme bracing himself on my hands JUST UGHHH!! HOTTTT! Seme saying he’s never done this before (having sex with thoughts of love) while making love to his uke (v3c1). Seme is basically a pervert and borderline sexual offender (as he lays hands on students as well but would call him a pedophile as he’s into ANY man who comes his way) who likes to toy and play with people for fun and hates love and ends up hurting everyone he “plays” with as if they end up falling for him he rejects them and pushes them. This freak (seme) molests and forces uke to come to terms with his sexuality (masochist) by forcing pain (after he realises uke for hard from his forceful manhandling of uke). Seme biting uke back in v2c1 was him marking uke possessively when I thought it was simply seme being his regular psycho I want to cause you pain for my own enjoyment, thing. But it’s somehow REALLY HOT when you find out seme has bitten NO ONE BUT UKE ONLY and tends to do it when he’s really overwhelmed with lust, love or possessiveness of uke. So mainly during sex but also when he wants to possess uke entirely. V02: Introduction of new character, uke rival, a new young male pretty boy uke-type teacher, Hatano-sensei (Shimazaki Yuuma who changed his name to his mother’s Hatano), who knew seme as he used to teach at his school 7 years ago but seme doesn’t recognise him and so this new guy gets close to uke, pretends to be super friendly and uses uke to get seme’s attention and instead seme goes mad with jealousy and possessiveness over uke. C11: Uke gets rejected when seme says he doesn’t love him despite kissing and almost having sex (seme was trying to forget uke but it didn’t work everything reminded seme of uke) but V3C1 is when Yuuma utterly broken-hearted cries and starts to move on by getting a short haircut (he had kept it longer as seme said it would look good on him) thinking he “I really really liked you (seme)”. C03: After the first 2 chapters of seme forcefully kissing and sexually harassing uke, uke avoids him and seme comes out of his “lair” (infirmary) to the faculty room which he never goes into to follow and confront uke which I thought was kinda hot. And proceeds to nonchalantly dislocate uke’s shoulder with an innocent smile in front of other teachers, lol. It’s not supposed to be funny but the set-up was made to be comical and given the serious nature of the trauma and sexual perversion borne from that trauma, I thought it was oddly fitting for comedy. New younger good-looking Prince-like teacher Hatano is trying to get close to uke but really he’s after seme to get seme’s attention as he sees seme only paying attention to uke.