Pink Heart Jam
Cute, good sex worker rep. About two college students one is a sex worker and theres music too lol. Have both books
Let's Make It Seductive
Cute lil story about a couple exploring sex. love to see it.
If I Have a Chance, I Want to Warp My Boyfriend's Fetishes!
Slayed me up, he nuts in his underwear. Theres butt stuff I love this lmao.
Full volume
TW for flashbacks of domestic violence, some non con sex work. This is about a cam boy and his photographer neighbor. Very sex positive, written by a man!!, most kinks included in this lol. Honestly really beautiful, plot is great, i cared about all of it. Almost made me cry. It hits you after the most kinky sex and I love that lol.
Talk To Me
Healed my boy trauma lol, about a cute couple having a good exciting sex life. They explore lots of things, story is super long I havent read it all. CONSENT AND COMMUNICATION SLAY
So hot female gaze smut lol, so many different good sex scenes in this. Bi rep!! Didnt finish because it all kind of became the same thing.
Camboy Bunny
Dub con due to the type of talk during sex, can be kind of intense lol. Cute, basically just sex and no plot. I did like that he doesnt stop doing his cam work when they get together and they actually end up doing it together! V cute! Bottom is twinky cutie patootie and wears panties sometimes hehehhe I probably wont read again, plot was really lacking
Honey Maple More More Sugar