My one and only cat
He gets a cat and it turns into a man. Didnt love this so i dropped it. Cat man is top, eh. i like cat man bottoms lol TW for dub con.
Tsumasaki Kara Aisarete
Cold-Blooded Beast
Dropped around chapter 40. Plot is so slow and odd. About a guy and his boss who the boss is dead then turned into a snake?? girl idk. TW for death, dub con.
Romance, But Not Romantic
This was so slay, finger sucking!!! fiesty ne omega so cute my god. Slays up hard. hard. im hard too. This one is good! TW for stalking not by mc.
Roses and Champagne
I dropped this halfway through then made it the rest of the way a few weeks later. About a lawyer and a russian mafia leader. ok until chapter 40 then got insane. Giving pearl boy. Most toxic relationship ive read so far. Do not underestimate this bl. Hope they happy or whatever. cute by the end. Here we go TW for just about everything including violence, gang violence, shooting, killing, gore, stabbing, threats against minors, suicide, injury, non con, sexual violence, stockholm syndrome, abusive relationships, poisoning, sex while gravely injured, top said i will kill you or me if we cant be together and he meant that shit. be warned lmao.
Puppy Love (Eumnya)
Balls drawn like balls lmao. About an online idol and a guy he likes. TW for intense bdsm that isnt accurate and dub con, public indenecy. Just smut and no real heart lol.
On my own
No sex scenes and very slow burn. I didnt read most of this, idol gives stalker vibes lol. Cute art.
Driver's High
Lightning mcqueen coded racer and his bf mechanic, storm lmaooo. Two himbos breaking up then being dumb. TW for some dub con.
Wet Sand
About a guy who is trying to leave gang life. His trauma bonded love is still in it and his new hubby bf is his line to a better life for himself. Its real and its dark and the smut is fire. I will be crushed no matter what happens I already know this. TW for non con, flashbacks of trauma like drug overdosing and violence, drug use, gang violence, killing, shooting, guns, knives, cancer, ptsd. I am invested in this, very sad how close him and his mafia man are, trauma bonding is real. YEESH anyway im already prepared to sob.
Limited Run