Camboy Bunny
Dub con due to the type of talk during sex, can be kind of intense lol. Cute, basically just sex and no plot. I did like that he doesnt stop doing his cam work when they get together and they actually end up doing it together! V cute! Bottom is twinky cutie patootie and wears panties sometimes hehehhe I probably wont read again, plot was really lacking
Why Did Men Stop Wearing High Heels?
This is my text I sent to india about this at the end: Ok so. It wasnt gay and I knew this and I just hoped cause im a dreamer ok. Some stuff happens he moves offices and finds a gf who loves him and the boss guy comes back from france and they end up the same way he gets the heels guy to be his muse again and it is not gay. Queer baiting yes like a little gay but not actually. How tragic. But really this was a great manhwa im always into a real story about pushing gender boundaries and it slayed me up and I actually do like when there are cross dressing stories with straight men I just like yaoi and have brain rot LMAO. So basically I liked it a lot, little confusing and skipped some parts but I liked this
The Story of my Husband's Cute Crossdressing