The Lady’s Dark Secret
Alright alright alright, let's kill some bitches Chpt 14 - honestly between the black and silver stallions, I much prefer the crown Prince if there were to be an ML (Seems inevitable). He just seems much more down to earth and human than silver hair, and most importantly, his feelings seem genuine
The death game is all that Saotome-san has left
So stupid it's good
The Duke’s Redemption
Finally, a cute friendship between two guys in an isekai without it being yaoi. Honestly I do appreciate some of the fanservice lines they throw in there, but it's more for comedic relief rather than romance so I'm very satisfied with where we're at right now (chpt 7). Update: idk guys y'all keep saying this aint BL but chpt 13 is sus af...i aint gonna complain either way
High Clear
The Return of the Crazy Demon
There is not a character I don't like, hoping it'll continue this way and not have anyone annoying show up. Can't not love these current morons
The World After The Fall