Ushiro no Shounen Darling
Supernatural, Mature, Adult, Rape, Ghost, Multiple Stories; My god all of these gave me whiplash dude!!! They were all so horrifying lol. and barely legal I dont think ive ever been so horrified. The fact that thw first one was incest from nephew x uncle, then in the future big bro x little bro!!! The 2nd one was the phone sex one which was funny not gonna lie, the 3rd was a blur.... literally!!, then the 4th one was rape and incest of an 18 year old!!! I was so umcomfy the entire time and there was no justice what so ever!!! 3/10 Oh dude there is literally no 3rd one lol!!!! but if there was i bet it be just as fucked lol
GODDAMN I LOVED THIS ONE Huhuhuhu right up my alley. hehehe 10/10
Baby, Sugar, Succubus
Hmmmmmm its short. Im interested but at the same time not really lol (ch 5)
Double Leash
Guideverse; The seme isnt really my type! But damn was that some foreshadowing that will never happen. Wut a tragedy! If it did end up happening i would have loved to read it!!! 7/10
Raising a Bat
Trauma, Vampire, Child Abuse, Student x Student, School Life; I remember reading this when it was coming out then i stopped reading it. I think i was waiting for chapters to come out and then just forgot. Anyway! The dad is a scumbag!!! Child that monster is not ur father or related to u!! ur mom must be turning in her grave!! poor baby just wants love and affection!!! (ch 5)
Katsuragi-san wa Tori Tsukare Yasui