Ocean by the Forest
This was interesting and tragic at the same time. 8/10
In the Room
Wow that was so fucked up!!! 7/10
Beware of the Full Moon In March
I fucking HATE the inspector soooo much. LEAVE OUR PRECIOUS BEAN ALONE, YOU BITCH!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH KHXLEBEIQLABJXIXPSKJDIEBXKD!!! (ch 34) Shit dude that was BEAUTIFUL!!! (ch 35) FUCK YEAH!! Season one complete! Now to wait for season 2 (ch 37) Oh yeah!!! Season 2 lets goooooooo (ch 38) OH HELL NO!!!! Gangwoo is way more of a manipulative asshole than i thought. I thought he was nice and all but, nope!!! I was wrong!!! Boo that man definitely used and threw u away!!! I am so sorry!!!! (ch 40) WTF!!!! (ch 43) GOD dude!! CHILL!!! (ch 44) HAHAHA Mommy look at that crazy man!!! God the man is such a simp now!!!! (45) AHHHHHH HELL YEAH!!!! His reaction was EVERYTHING!! (ch 46) Oh yeah cant wait for them to get together!!! (ch 49) woah what??? he smokes??!!! (ch 50) BRUH he has become so expressive and i am HERE FOR IT!!!! (ch 52) Wut a cute couple!!! (ch 53) Awweee so cute!!! But anyway imma hold off on the next few chapters cuz it gets kinda dicey . (ch 54) ..... *shaking violently* WHO DA HELL IS THAT!!!!?? I have never seen that man in my life, u know, the stary/heart-shaped eyed red head police man!!! My GOD!!! wut a 180!!!! Anyway holly shet, that smexy scene was something else!! I was at the edge of my seat from start to finish!!!! Kinda sad its the end of season 2!!! But good thing it didnt end like it did on season one with that cliffhanger!! Thank u yaoi god!!! Cant wait for season 3!! (ch 58) AAAAHHHHHH CHAPTER 1 AND HE ALREADY FUCKED UP!!! (ch 59) Wut a cutee patootee!!!!! They both are! GOD I think mr. policeman would have a stroke if he found out Mokhwa was a tab be worried/confused (ch 60) OMG MOKHWA CHUCKLED? GIGGLED? I DONT KNOW BUT THAT WAS SO CUUUUTE!! I cry!! (ch 64) Awwww they are really looking out for their "big bro/boss" it was really nice to see. Warms my heart!!! (ch 66) Hehehe digging ur own grave like always I see (ch 69) Awwwww someone was jelly~~~ Progress!!! Btw cotton i think he did that so that u wouldnt think he was a jerk ehehehehehe!! (ch 71) Holy mother of god!!! is it happening????!!! IS IT!!!! (ch 75) .....holy shit Im crying and i dont really know why. Little cotton u dont speak often or at all most of the time. But boi when u do, u leave the audience shooketh!! To our very core!!! (ch 76) Well no shit sherlock!!! u gotta prepare him!!! not semi stick ur finger in then ur dingaling!!! u never learn...~sigh~~ and u were doing so good too (ch 77) hmmmmmmmmmm hmmmmm hmmm? ummmm honestly i just like it when little cotton is vocal about what hes thinking (ch 78) Uuuuuuuh am i the only one confused??? that came out of nowhere Uh welp glad they together? now but um i feel like it was a bit too easy? But oh well if mr cotton has already said so then so it shall be (ch 79) BRO!!! U better stop right now!! Ur life on the line!!! He is gonna swerve that car so fast!!! Lol (ch 81) I was about to say the same thing!!!! Gurl wut!!! Mokhwa is CUTER!!! THATS OFFENSIVE!!! (ch 83)
Kotaete My Drifter
Bruh! This shit was tragic and trauma enducing. The half asian had nothing but trauma. That ending was so bittersweet too. and the fact that they went through the great depression was tragic too. 6.5/10
Monster and Ghost
This man is so fucking FINE!! But the pairing in no way is to my liking. Just make him a girl at this point dammit!! His og design though would have passed my standards. And they do end up together. How tragic, really
Foul's Start
My god!!! The man isnt just tall he's more like a giant!!!! (ch 1) wow dude not only did u get a second chance but a third one too!! thats insane!!! The tragedy tag will be added i can already see my self crying. The guy literally DIED!!! (ch 5) Oh wow this guy really gets distracted huh!! U had so many opportunities to ask him anything but u dont ask???? Bruh get it together!!! ur life is on the line!! LITERALLY!!! (ch 14) What da fuck is going on??? This is progressing so fast it's giving me whiplash lol!!! Like ma guy aren't u dead??? I think imma have to reread from the beginning cuz I am genuinely confused!!! (ch 29)
Wander Off
Hmmm i wonder why this is marked as Psychological??? But im having a hard time understanding lol (ch 7)
Hmmmmmm its short. Im interested but at the same time not really lol (ch 5)