Oh My! Hotel!
Wind Blowing Tonight
I Can't Say No To Him
This man is such an airhead and doesnt even take in his surroundings to the point that its cute!!! But this turned out to be another amnesia plot. how sad. but yu yunfei is giving me serious seme vibes. if that turns out to be the case i'll put it as uke like seme(ch 16)
Teach Me!
Slice of Life; Damn this had me on a chokehold!!! I hope they live happily. Fuck his first love!!! poor guy really went through the wringer with that one. Anyway i have a feeling his middle school classmate with the orange hair has a thing for him. He kind of made it obvious the way he was acting and stuff. Bruh get u some other man ok!! this one is taken (ch 30)
The Third Ending
AHHHHHHHHHHHH ITS BACK!!!!!! AND SEASON 2 GOT REVAMPED TO YAOI!!!!! Bro i am scared for u he was getting a little too, possessive? there. is possessive really the word for this though??? Dude, he is definitely getting way to possessive that its a bit uncomfortable. But if u lik it then, u do u i guess ( chap 60) wow finally finished!! 9/10
A Shoulder to Cry On
Wow!!! The chrarcter development was freaking out of this world!! Its insane. These characters have gone so far and the raw emotions in this felt so life like that it felt like i was watching someones life play out before my eyes!!! This was great!!! 10/10