Absolutely Ruined Love
Chapter 9 is uploaded all wierd and shit. I hope its fixed OMG!!! Things are gonna become much more complicated from now on boi!!!!! This will be kind of sad though when the ml ends up becoming one person again cuz his other self is just as alive and his his own emotions too!!! So for him to probably in the end give up in mc and continue to love him from within the original ml is gonna be heartbreaking!! I can already feel it in my KOKKORO!!! (chap. 17) My dude i dont think u can have both ways. Its really sad. But hey if it does work out and they both are ok with sharing i mean good for u right. But i think ultimately he is gonna have to choose who. I feel like my head is fuming from the emotions and stress this story is giving me. (ch. 27) I have a hard time believing and accepting people found this story adorable. Bitch how??! it was stressful as fuck. this relationship did in fact stay broken and was a complete shitshow. like this foo literally cried cuz he thought person # 2 disappeared when og #1 obviously looked hurt as fuck by that. this story was not for me i guess i dont know why i even read it till the end this was fucking absurd. and i will admit im mad he didnt choose og #1 and it pissed me off even more that he was trying to be considerate of the uke and when the person #2 came out he straight up went to sex, like dude that was messed up and disrespectful. Oh well not my cup of tea. 4/10
Gimme, Heaven