Doku ni mo Naranai Propose
Multiple Stories; Wow i thought this was a different manga which is why i was dreading to restart it. But it was completely different to the one i thought lol. This was ok I liked the first 2 couples cuz it was more of an uke like seme type of deal! the other ones were meh at best. 7.5/10
Orera Koi ni Zenryoku
Multiple Stories; The last story was so fucked up it was funny!!! They are high schoolers after all. Lol i wonder is there is a prequel to the 1st couple though!!! i wanna know how they met!!!! 7/10
Gachiiki Chouhatsu Night
Buji Oni Zeme Seiyoku Zukan
This was disturbing the 2nd more than the first honestly!!! GOD that second story was repulsing. DISGUSTING!! Like wut da actual fuck!!! I can see the wolf's ribs, bro!!! Eat something!! he is way too skinny! Anyways ur a wolf! An animal!! Defend urself dammit!! 3/10
Holy crud!!!! I was doing so well till the last chapter Amarans is one of thee best smut drawers. The way they shade just adds a little bit more pazzazz to the mix. but over all the stories were ok. More on the meh side but still ok. EXCEPT for the manager one. That was fucked up! Literally disgusting!! Hopefully the agency did like a health screening for any diseases prior to the event cut wut da fak!!! 6/10
Shouta, Kimi wo Aishiteru
Hmmmm ill come back to review seriously lol Honestly forgot what the other couples are. And i sort of remember the main one but not any specifics except that the uke got extremely lucky lol 7/10
Ijiwaru Shinai de Dakishimete
*sigh* the only couple i liked was the 2nd one 7/10
Ushiro no Shounen Darling