Peerless Dad
WUT!!!!! I saw in the comments that this is completed!!!??? I am shooketh!!!! Wut da fuck!!!! I am not ready!! But it really saddens me that this got kinda boring!! But imma power through cuz i am here for the kids and the family man!! (204)
Feng Shen Ji
Aw yes a master piece indeed 10/10
Meeting him
Read first chapter and i liked it!!! However 2nd chapter was a meh for for me. The guy he finds just so happens to be his long lost lover's reincarnation??? Sorry but that is a bit too cliché for me and i am so done with those tyoes of storylines. Its just a lot of repetition for me at this point so i dropped it!
Itsuwaribito Utsuho
This is so UNDERRATED!!! 10/10
Kimetsu no Yaiba: Rengoku Kyoujurou Gaiden
Scent of a Witch
Not my cup of tea at all! Read some of it and could not finish it sadly. I give it a 4/10 Someday I might pick it up but I am dropping it for now.
Social Reform Season
This was a good quick read. I quite enjoyed it lol 8/10
Ok not gonna lie, but i am gonna drop this because there is too much drama going on and on top of that there is rape. Like wth man cant believe u could have sex with a man and ditch him just so u could have a "normal" family. Then come back and say u wanna get together again. Shit dont work like that. U could only have one not both at the same time. So since i dropped i am unable to assign a rating ?/10
Primitive Boyfriend
Bruh!! I am not a shoujo fan, however i cried like a baby throughout this entire mango. It is so frealing wholesome I just could not compute and cried instead. I give this a 10/10
Mo Dao Zu Shi