Dos Obake Ga Nekasetekurenai
Enomoto-senpai wa Tenshi Nanka Janai
OOOOOH YEAH!!! Lets go!! This one looks so promising!! Dont fail me now!!! (ch 1) I FUCKING KNEW IT DAMN IT !!!! WUT DA FUCK IS GOING ON THOUGH???? Why they gotta be so cryptic???? (ch 2) DUUUUUUUDE!!!! (ch 4.5) welp I'm confused but good on them!!! (ch 5)
Ushiro no Shounen Darling
Supernatural, Mature, Adult, Rape, Ghost, Multiple Stories; My god all of these gave me whiplash dude!!! They were all so horrifying lol. and barely legal I dont think ive ever been so horrified. The fact that thw first one was incest from nephew x uncle, then in the future big bro x little bro!!! The 2nd one was the phone sex one which was funny not gonna lie, the 3rd was a blur.... literally!!, then the 4th one was rape and incest of an 18 year old!!! I was so umcomfy the entire time and there was no justice what so ever!!! 3/10 Oh dude there is literally no 3rd one lol!!!! but if there was i bet it be just as fucked lol
Not for the Faint of Heart
I love this series so much!!! I reread this countless times its so GOOD!!! I wish there was a sequel to it like a mini one. Nothing to grand i just want to see them be happy together!!! One of the classics!!!! 10/10
Mesare Yagare