Hmmmmm right now im on chapter 8 and its a bit slow starting. And not gonna lie i am dreading the harem aspect of this since i hate them with a passion. But the fact that mc character design (chp. 72) is badass and hella sexy i will keep reading. And apparently this man becomes a father of 4 children is highly unexpected not gonna lie. Some im gonna power through this till it get enjoyable....Couldnt power through it. Literally could not get past ch 8 lol 4/10 Can u believe this is getting an anime!!!?????
Hero? I Quit A Long Time Ago
Meh the concept was sooo good but the execution terrible
Junk the Black Shadow
Out (Makoto Mizuta)
Hell yeah if i didnt need any sleep id fucking binge read the entire-ty of this shit!!! I love me some delinquents!!! I eat that shit up like cocaine baby!!!! DUDE!!! This got so dark!!! fucking they had me going thinking, nah they wouldnt kill anyone right.... right.... this shit is a roller-coaster and a delinquents dictionary for slang and curse words. But dude i was expecting jousuke to look ugly cuz his appearance was shrouded in mystery and suspense!!! Buy my god when they showed the man i fell in love but alas yoshiki was the one that stole my heart!!! (ch 214)
Hungry Joker
The first chapter had me so confused cuz then the second chaoter was like a different story all together. But i will keep reading it just in case it gets good. I ended up dropping this cuz thinking about it, it just didnt really catch my attention. So rating is ?/10
Journey to the West
Dokgo Rewind
I know for a fact(?) that I read this after reading Dokgo. But I also know that I read this a long ass time ago so I don't really remember. However, I love this series so much!!!! 10/10
Peerless Dad