Henai Maotoko-hen
Usagi-chan Doshikori Moushiagemasu
I reallyyyy liked this. So não dou um 5 because it didnt make have the feels, if you know what i mean.
Junai Drop Out
this shit was SO fucking hott. like wow, i really wasnt expecting this. this is exactly what i mean when i say that i wanna try out bdsm. its this kinda thing, and ropes. And it was with chapter 4 that "that" hapenned :))
Kabukichou Bad Trip
I FONALLY FOUND THE PERFECT REPRESENTATION OF THE TYPE OF BDSM I LOVE HELLO??!??? their relationship is so healthy and cute and soft and hot, i loved this shit omg
Make a Pet Out of a Cactus
spectacular, give me fourteen of them right now. THIS WAS SO AMAZING AND HOT BUT SOOO SHORT dude im so mad cause the good stories are always so short, and the dog shit toxic ones are 100chs long. i blame it on capitalism
Unmei no Kisu wa Oazuke