Hitsuji ni Narasete itadakimasu
this was so cute oml pretty dude that is a sex toy creator and comes up with the excuse to have other people test his products just so he can suck them off
Utsukushii Karada
i really really enjoyed this. the story was basic, i mean, what do you expect from a 6 chapter manga,, but it was nice and cute. and the art was absolutely amazing oml
One Room Angel
dude wtf im crying rn. this was so cute yet so sad i cannot-- HARADA I WASNT EXPECTING THIS FROM YOU WTF IT WAS SO GOOD
Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu
ok this is surely unique. i really love how the author portrays the "monster" its so weird, almost like i can actually feel it, idk. anyways i know im gonna suffer waiting for this to finish
At the End of the Road
ok so i liked it, but it had a lot of unfinished stuff that it didn't talk about. and i feel like it was a teeny bit incomplete, the ending idk.
Love Tractor
cute cute cute, they were funny i loved them
The Boy And The Wolf
its so goooood. the art, the story, the. comedy, the slutty waist i shouldn't have read ghis, cause its gonna take years to finish
Sugar Dog Life