Obey Me
like, it was cool i enjoyed it. but like?? wtf was that fucking ending??? fucking dog shit. its not like ks, that made ot realllyyy good, no it was just "why". anyways, interesting but ending shit
Happy Shitty Life
ITS AHHHH SO CUTE AND FUNNY WTF, AND COULD THEY JUST KISS ALREADY OMG. as always i love harada so this is perfect for me. :))
If You Hate Me So
In the beginning i was like "
Immoral Sex
you know im giving it that 5star bcs its by harada. and this was great, ty. the self harm part tho- triggered me
Hard X Heat X Heart
umm...this would be cute of it dosnr have THREE rape scenes and od they disbt treat it as just smth that doesn't really matter-- like wtf
Gintama dj - Kabe
nah bruh wtf. harada you went too far with this one tf. like bro if you are gonna make me read those ugly bastards traumatizing him at least let gin see how bad he messed up. or like gin could maybe comfort him or punish the ugly bastards. but no it just ends, fuck. fucking hated this shit
Gintama dj - Mienai Kusari
ig it was well written...
Sadistic Madness