Playtime with Hakdo
its really cute. and i like the way that they just do it normally and not in a dramtic way. they are so fluff and funny
Incidentally Living Together
im really enjoying this one. its really cute and soft,...for now.
Painter of the Night(Yahwacheop)
IM-IM REALLY IN LOVE WITH THIS OMG. the art i SO beautiful, and i am really enjoying the story. I have wheezed so many times aaahhhh i love it, one of the best things i have read recently
Love or Hate(Yeongha)
so fucking beautiful. just a complete masterpiece. idkw i find myself never knowing what they are thinking or what they are going to do. Btw, taekyung is tthe CUTEST AND SEXIEST AND HOTEST THINGS OUT THERE, HE CARES SO MUCH FOR HAESOO OMG AAAAHHHHHHHHH HOT// (after two years) this is absolute garbage, poopoocaca, love triangles are so annoying and frustrating. i didnt even finish reading this. also taekyung deserved better, tloml
Sweet Trap
it was really cute. a little twist at he end there, kinda sad tbh but, ahhh i liked it
BJ alex