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i don't even know why im reading this. its kinda frustrating how they act and the mc contradicts himself so much(maybe its the translation). but the long haired dude is so hot he is actually so cute and nice i like him. lets just ignore he basically forced him to have sex in the bathroom. HE ALSO TOTALLY DOESNT DESERVE TO AT ANNOYING ASS DUDE LIKE WTH,, WHY WAS HE EVEN INTERESTED TO BEGIN WITH. he reminds me of getou tho
Our Sunny Days
THEY'RE SOOOO CUTEEE im loving how their relationship slowly progresses, its so healthy and nice urh
Dragon Making Love
im giving it a 3 cause even tho i enjoyed the overall story the dubcon at the beggining was weird as hell and their whole relationship was based on sex, and there were too many sex scenes imo. but their dynamic was cute and healthy, their kids were also rlllyyy cute
You and I can't do this
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE ITTTTTT normal, healthy, understanding relationship that COMMUNICATE and dont make any dumb assumptions. THEY'RE EMOTIONALLY MATURE THEY SOLVE THINGS IN AN ADULT WAY and it doesn't take 10 chapters for them to talk about their current frustrations and feelings. LOVE THEMMMMM i already loved them cause,, enemies to lovers!!! and they're so silly and cute. BUT THEN THE WAY THEY INTERACT AND BICKER!!! BIHIHIHIHIHI to add to all of this, i actually think this is the first story i read where they actually use condoms realistically, and thank god they dont have sex every 2 chapters
Asatte ni Kiss