Tomato Pretty
I just couldn't wrap my brain around what was going on! So "in reality" the guy was just screwing a tomato...yet all the other customers thought that he was really cute, yet normal people don't think of tomatoes as cute, nor can they talk or hand people bags. Plus that means that the customer who wanted him had to either be just a really fat hungry guy or a pedophile. And if it was a tomato he wouldn't have been able to ask him how much he cost....too much thinking. Brain melting now.
S-ka Chuuihou!
Kitsune no Tama Yobai
Gorgeous Heart
I'm not for the abuse of children but his little ass should have got a beat down for drugging a grown man and basically raping him. What the HELL did I just read?!? I feel unclean, and I have the strong urge to wash my eyes out and scoop the section of my brain out that remembers this story! As for Ch. 4, I know that it's a real problem some men suffer from, so I felt so bad laughing every time they said "ED".
Boku No Kanshiin
Mimi to Shippo to Mahoutsukai
I was just thinking, the phrases "Hang in there", "Brace yourself, and "Bear with it" are really not sexy at all but very popular in yaoi. Those are typically the types of phrases that would make your lover jump out of the bed saying hell naw you ain't shoving that in me LOL
Puchi D Kemono