69 Street, Tomorrow Island
6ch, tourist student loses bag and gets trapped on island, milkman befriends, student goes in heat, milkman “helps” against his will, doesn’t work, goes to bring his bag that he’d found with his meds and pass, but even for that bit decides to pretend he didn’t find it to keep him there, goes back student isn’t there and there’s other alphas drawn to his heat scent, he realizes the severity of the situation, goes finds him at the pharmacy warehouse (student works there) and again instead of giving him the med from high shelf fucks him again even tho he says no, but somehow in the end student is interested in him too instead of shooting him just cause he has puppy eyes apologetic look
That Moment Then
6ch, alpha wakes from rut with classmate beta (who apparently has a scent?) , he starts thinking he’s cute etc exchange numbers, next heat together too, remembers that last time he lost his pills and beta found him in bad state and said I’ll help cause I like you “oh he likes me for me not for alpha omega, when do I confess”, turns out he’s been staring at beta in class for months so he likes him too (even tho apparently still didn’t know his name lmao)
My Hyung's Omega
7ch so far, childhood friends, alpha beta but alpha told him he’s omega as a toddler cause he’d protect omegas but then all his lovers were alpha now he helped him with heat and a dude is tryna get with beta and told him alpha is alpha actually so beta went to him
Private Call
The cutest thing ever, omega 30yo with bad experiences in the past is basically a shit in living with dad (omega dad left) so he’s been asking for call boys once a month for heat, in this universe ABO are EXTA EXTRA rare, his regular call boy is sick so the boss calls the now model alpha back for filling in and they like each other, he gives his number for next times, omega in the end starts asking for him, they s-end a couple heats together but they’re both wondering about the other’s motivations while also falling for each other, omega asks to meet outside his heat and alpha says you know you can call me just cause.. and they finally talk confess and start dating, and mate quickly after, now talking about moving in together, omega has to convince dad to allow
One Shot Love
Neighbors, younger alpha in love with older omega, they have sex when they’re both adult, but the alpha comes to omega manipulating saying “I’m pregnant” as if he’s omega. And apparently omegas can get other omegas pregnant? But the omega doesn’t remember if he was inside the alpha and takes his word for it and goes along with alphas manipulation like “ohh we’re gonna get married anyways so just kiss me, ohh so you’ll kiss my lips if they’re bitten and hurt so let me break glass and hurt my hands so you take care of me “…
Kiraide Isasete
Omega was raped in hs hes now 21 with a 6 year old daughter hates Al-has, heats are dangerous so his mom sends him to. Matchmaking event to try out, he meets 17 year old high schooler server that says they’re fated mates, omega finally gets a job as school janitor turns out it’s top’s school…
Shima-chan Chi no Tsugai Jijou
CUTE AFFF, omega and alpha high school punks, alpha goes after omega cause he beat up some guys form alpha school but turns out he was protecting a cat so he admits his mistake, omega is in heat alpha punches himself in the face to stop himself etc,,, some other guy kidnaps omega there, Al-ha beats him up, their friends come, alpha hunks the friend is omegas gf, confesses his feelings but assumes rejection and says he’ll give up, they don’t meeet for months till on graduation omega comes to alphas school and confesses, they go to their shed under the bride, fuck and mate, they have a daughter
The yandere top father is being teased
THE SWEETEST most unconditional love ml in History Mc dies(?) in car crash and gets into his sisters written bl novel, originally he was the abuse breeding omega of a chaebol family that was gonna kill himself and his and ml's kids were the couple, except now ml saved him in that bridge scene and now he and his kid ate living with ml and ml's kid, for a while he was hoping to set up the kids now he's accepting the plot has changed anyway and he's confessing to ml, mother in law was causing him but now suddenly shes acting like on her side cause supposedly the insane older brother in law killed the husband and maybe has a thing for mc
As Sweet As This