Immediate Disadvantage
9ch, “Like mother like son” play girl mom playboy son, bored son(24) is back home cause mom is traveling for 2w, suddenly a guy(38) comes saying he’s her bf she broke up with (he was gonna propose, he’s rich and lived in a bubble never learned to read situations and he’s weak to affection) so son told him she just does that (also she was using the sons name), so son convinces him to go for him instead, they fUUUUCK, turns out mom was planning to send the breakup text to someone else not him but too late oh well, 38 runs away, 24 stalks his businesses convinces to date
Hot and Cold
3ch, Bro’s ac breaks, landlord says he sent a new type of air conditioning, opens box it’s a hot guy, it’s cold first but then he turns on and has “gentleman, heartthrob, maniac…” modes turns out it’s a sex robot, they have pretty cute gentle sex to bottom’s wishes, turns out its neighbors package now he has to pay for it but he keeps it, I’m so jealous I want a robot gf
Reality Lover
12ch, Manager loves BL book he just ordered, notices top looks exactly like coworker subordinate (who has a crush on him) so he starts avoiding him cause he jerked off to him, gets drunk at company dinner is taken home by blond, he spills why he avoided him, his novel is found he wants to jump outta balcony out of embarrassment (lmao) while blond is happy manager likes him, they have sex etc etc and get together, blond is a beast but in the end boss likes it, blond is jealous of fictional character cause boss said his name during sex …
8ch Redhead is weak against pretty ppl and confesses left and right to pretty ppl when drunk, top has a crush on him since long ago cause at a gathering redhead gave him a popsicle so he’s been making himself over to catch his attention and he finally does, they kiss top says “this means we’re dating right no backsies”, he’s been clingy for a week, bottom finally asks why, finds out they’re “dating” says no I was drunk, top sobs, bottom says okay let’s date fr, eventually starts liking him, top is “masochistic” but it almost never is relevant and he’s more like sadistic considering he doesn’t listen to bottoms instructions and pounds on one go, best luck of my life vibe couple
The 8th Failed Love
13ch, top breaks up cause he thinks bottom (5y older) is only going along w him not actually interested while bottom is whipped but silently maturely (bros gallery is all pics. Of him, calls him his baby etc top is his weakness)
Like a Tidal Wave - from Pheromone Shower
Shamed, Thanks To You
Help Me, Teacher
New.y diagnosed omega teacher X alpha nurse (been pining over teacher for 2 years) X alpha pe teacher (pervert with no morals) alphas are fighting over him while having threesomes while omega doesn’t see them as potential relationship partner, they tried to get him to choose but he picked both but it’s not romantic
Hoshi to Harinezumi
Gardener’s gardener son X pretty boy college student back on break that gardener gets extremely shy about from how cool he looks to the point he thinks he’s hated etc, they start dating long distance once he’s back to uni, he goes visiting him sometimes
Stray Bullet Baby