24ch, Lawyer top with germaphobia and called off engagement, his ONS that ends up his office cleaner that’s persistent but a manwhore that’s wishy washy about people and easily jumps to someone else and back with the excuse that the lawyer “must be rejecting me by pushing me away at the office” without clearing it up if that’s even the case, pissed me off, lawyer is just grumpy type but clearly he commits if he was engaged, while blond pretends he’s the victim while he jumps from person to person with the boohoo backstory of his exes treating him like a fling while he commited LIKE BOOHOO WHORE DONT ACT LIKE YOU PUT EFFORT TO CLEAR THINGS UP BEFORE JUMPING TO A DATE WITH SOMEONE ELSE
Side story top sleeps on couch wakes up with bottom next to him
The Dirtiest High